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Playing the Main Quest: Nerevar Reincarnated


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...... i just cheat <_< and unlock everywhere and put god mode on <_< and do all the quests and cheat for items <_< so i always win <_< and ..... actually i just go on killing sprees half of the time....


Oh and uh........ i cheat :lol: <_< and play about on the construction set <_<

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When I first got the game I was psyched to see that I could play as a Redguard (my favorite race from a certain earlier elder scrolls game :D ) but once I was involved in the main quest I felt a little awkward. I found out that Nerevar was a Dunmer hero and I became a Clanfriend of the dark elf Ashlanders. Wouldn't Nerevar be reincarnated as a... you know... Dunmer? Early in the game you find out that Uriel Septim sent you here because you might fullfill the prophecies. What If you were a female Argonian? You don't look like you would fullfill the prophecies. Infact, no one besides a dark elf would make sense being Nerevar reincarnated. Do you think the game stresses on you being a dark elf? Being any other race I just didn't think I fit in.

This is funny for me because I made the same thing. ;)

I started with my redguard Yazatus who I gave up with level 24 after I killed Dagoth Ur with Keening, Wraithguard and (praise it) the ancient dwemer maul.

Now I restarted with a selfmade race called the Azura (thanks to construction set) fully balanced and almost same stats as Redguards but with the shape of a Dunmer.

Now Im on my way again to become master of the fighters guild and Im almost ready to mess up with Dagoth Ur...aight.. not yet. But soon he will be mine. :ph34r:

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You're getting quite annoying with this thread necromancy... go read the forum rules section please! In case you somehow forgot:


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