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Lockpicking is useless?


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I never quite understood why lockpicks are so brittle to begin with. Having had to pick a few locks from time to time (nothing illegal, mind you...I'm just forever misplacing my lockbox key) I can tell you from personal experience that just about the only way you'd ever break a lockpick/paperclip/bobby pin/bent wire IRL is if they were made of glass. The whole thing is just silly.
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I never quite understood why lockpicks are so brittle to begin with. Having had to pick a few locks from time to time (nothing illegal, mind you...I'm just forever misplacing my lockbox key) I can tell you from personal experience that just about the only way you'd ever break a lockpick/paperclip/bobby pin/bent wire IRL is if they were made of glass. The whole thing is just silly.


It is a gameplay mechanic. To make it so that lockpicking involves some challange and isn't just very easy. The idea is to make it more fun via challenge instead of it being "Oh, you can pick every lock without any problem, every time".

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Ah yes, the classic "artificial difficulty" mechanic. Sort of like "you MUST stand on THIS EXACT PIXEL and hold down THIS button for EXACTLY 1.3145268 seconds and then steer toward THAT pixel and.....". Actually, I much prefer the lockpicking system in Skyrim over what Oblivion had. This is much more fun, intuitive, and honestly challenging...except for brittle-as-glass lockpicks. For me, the whole breaking picks issue just adds to needless frustration.
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Reduce the amount of lockpicks available in the world, jack the value of 'em up quite insanely (assuming that finding one would now be a *censored* and they're costly as hell) and then apply the Unbreakable perk to the player from the get-go, and you've got a lockpicking solution. Add to that, locks are now 100% harder to break and require more time and patience to break, and you've got a winner. There will be times with a Master lock at such a low level (this way, not vanilla) that if you're off by a hair it wouldn't turn. Making putting points into Lockpicking valuable again, since you'd much rather find the sweet spot easier than spend a literal fifteen minutes just picking a lock and the Lockpicking skill tree would make more sense, and the Unbreakable perk could be replaced with something equally nice on the tree.


I only play real, hardcore thieves. No combat thieves. I do more damage to a coinpurse with a lockpick in an hour than a war does to a treasury, sometimes. And if the skill trees were combined, I'd kill somebody. They've already destroyed half my skillset from Oblivion, are people dead set on making real thieves obsolete? Or does everyone assume Jack-of-all-trades/Assassin/mage/warriors are thieves too?


Pickpocketing bad needs an overhaul, in my opinion needs it more than lockpicking. Why I can't do a bump'n'run or purse snatch (crude, but it is a method nonetheless) is beyond me. Hell, mugging would be interesting. I'm not interested in killing people, so I have to accumulate my wealth the Stealth way. Of course, it's okay to give a warrior twenty ways to lop off a head, but thieves don't matter so let's lump them into a minority and ruin their gameplay.



For Talos' sake, I can't walk ten feet in the game without being forced to either run for my life or defend it.

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The whole tree should have been made into something else. I agree it's pretty worthless, even if a few perks are interesting (Treasure Hunter f.e.).


The problem with making it harder to pick locks is that you make the tree essential. Because on the opposite end, it would be irritating if you find chests and not be able to open them (thereby making Lockpicking essential).

Edited by MrBuio
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I agree with the above post about the picks breaking being kind of silly. It would be better to have the lock become damaged after so many failed attempts. Then the only way to open would be with the key. This would add much more realism IMO...
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