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You know what i like?


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I like turtles.

The animal, or the chocolate/pecan/caramel confection?

Or both?


I like having my wife here with me in Korea; I'll like it even more when the paperwork for housing is complete, and we move into the new apartment.

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*I Like* to laugh, imagining chingun was talking about bath tub turtles....

*I Like* driving as a stress relief.

*I Like* first thing in the morning and last thing at night web cam talks :wub:

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*I Like* when somebody I thought gone from my life forever shows up again.

*I Like* getting a call when somebody special has to go some where and won't be home when I was expected to call. so I won't worry that something may have happened to them when they don't answer.

*I Like* when people are considerate to others.

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*I Like* being able to get things done early, then having the rest of the day to goof off.

*I Like* when some things are easier than first thought they would be.

*I Like* knowing there are so many different paths life can take you on with one small step.

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