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You know what i like?


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*I Like* that I can't tell exactly what happened at Mount Rushmore; but it was as it should have been....

*I Like* getting a free oil change for my Jeep

*I Like* Carah

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I like Windows 7.


Installing it felt like blessed sweet revenge, so long have I suffured under vista*spits* that finaly having a really good OS again feels like a holdiay.


I also LIKE arachnids. They're such odd creatures, most people look at spiders and scorpions and think, YUCK! dirty unclean stabby things with huge teeth! Well they arent like that, I've got two spiders and two scorpions, and they're all extremely individual, but all really sweet.


One is Skaravoras, a big badass Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula, huge and regal, with a midnight black body and bright orange highlights, she looks so fierce, but she happily goes to sleep on my hand and has never done more than hiss at me.


The other is Ms. Molly, a 10 month old Texas Brown spiderling, a distant species cousin of the Red Knee, with dusky "desert camo" pattern coming into being. Molly is a wierd little thing, gentle as they come, but already though young, she's got very large fangs, and despite her gentle nature, is showing a lot of talent as a hunter.


Looks are decieving, they may look like slavering monsters, and you'd be wise to give any wild spider a wide berth, but they also make great pets.

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I like fresh vegetable straight from the soil.

I like sitting here typing with my cat perched on my desk so I can barely see my monitor. But she' s purring so it makes us both happy.

I like having so many new friends here on The Nexus after being here only a few months. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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I like seeing people freely expressing themsevles in an environment where they are respected for that.


I bought a second hand copy of Forza Motorsport 3 today for $20, and after applying the insane cyber driving skills that put my times in the world top hundreds in the old Forza and many other games to win a bunch of cars, I went online.


Online in FM 3 was one of the most enjoyable online experiences I've seen, you see, FM 3 has a paint editor, so you can paint your car in literaly any way possible, but the only way you get laughed at in this game is if you ARENT expressing yourself.


I showed up in a Lamborghini Murcielago-Reventon. A jagged and angular Italian built sports car. Lamborghini is itself a monument to my love of the arts-their cars are designed more to look good, sound good, and be fun to drive rather than the function-over-form attitude of other companies.


My Reventon I'd hand painted in digital urban camo. The overall theme of styling on the Reventon is like some sort of stealth air craft, it's all angles, so I thought, "ehh, why not capitalise and make it stealthy?"


it really looked good, like it had rolled right out of a film. But when I took it to my first online race, I was blown away by the shear amount of effort people had put into decorating their cars and making them THEIR cars.


It's just something that struck me as really special. Usualy games like this see an ocean of mostly gangster wannabes in Mitsubishi Lancers, but here, even though some of them were cobbled together rolling scrap heaps, the art work on display was mind blowing.


Just take the guy who rolled up next to me for example, he was in a 2008 Dodge Viper, but he'd painted a picture of the engine onto the huge American race car's hood. This, because of the remarkable painting skill used, meant it looked like you were seeing into the car's inner workings.


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lamborghini_Reventon_front_20080219.JPG Pic of a Reventon, the world's only road legal stelath bomber.


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lamborghini_Countach_LP500S.jpg Brash http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LamborghiniDiabloSV.jpg Bold ...and barking mad http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lamborghini_Murcielago_LP670-4_SV.jpg

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I like irony:


Which of these items frightens you more: standing on top of a treeless hill in a thunderstorm and yelling "all gods suck!"? Shark infested waters? Or a coconut?


Coconuts! more people die every year from coconuts falling on their heads and smashing their brains out, than are eaten by sharks, bitten by spiders, or burned to death by a bolt from the blue combined.


Yet we're so often terrified by sharks, spiders, and thunderbolts, that we seem to ignore what's really dangerous. I mean, coconuts are a real danger if you live in Tonga, or Samoa, or Fiji, you never know when one will simply go "geronimo!" and smash your head to paste! Not like sharks, which cant breath air, or spiders, which are generaly terrified of you, or lightning, which will leave you alone unless you really do have a death wish.


Likewise people react with terror when I let my scorpions out for some exercise, it's because they've got big pincers, and pointy tail barbs. But they're as gentle as can be, and dont bite unless it's already a certain temperature. And besides, they're both local species, and not venomous.


If anything, you should fear yabbies, Yabbies, like Scorpions, have HUGE pincers, and the vicious personalities to use them... a lot. I've been pinched by yabbies six times and it hurts like hell, I've never been bitten, nipped, tail-stabbed or pinched by a scorpion, my, wild, or one in my care.


Why do we fear what's less harmfull, and love what's really actualy WANTING to kill us? A native australian scorpion for example, is gentle, a native australian yabbie, actualy WANTS to kill you.



Yabbie: for thos not of australian birth, a Yabbie is a river and stream dwellign crayfish. They look a bit like a bright blue lobster, but with slightly serrated pincers. They are in my experience, very agressive. nasty little buggers.

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I like it when people actualy do their jobs properly.


I sometimes come to moments when I feel that, everyday day, in every way, Im carrying everyone else along.


Whether it's fixing computers for people, fixing cars and motorbikes for people, looking after exotic pets for people, or sitting still and listing to people rant about their own miserable pointless, dare I say worthless little lives.


Yet today I encountered some people who made me feel the exact opposite.


Today a truck arrived carrying my furniture from Brisbane.


They were a week early, having phoned me mid last week saying the train with the crates had arrived early and that they could stop by and offload everything "whenever it suits me"


Normaly I despise labourers, since they very rarely seemed to do any labour. These men however managed to unload an entire shipping container worth of furniture in 1 1/2 hours, furniture which, despite having been carried by train halfway across the country, wasnt so much as dusty.


I guess not everyone in this world is incompetant, I like that a lot. But I like it even more whne people disprove elitist stereotypes of mine-when I pay for a service and get significantly better service than promised, I really really like that.

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*I Like* when Carah was here in Sept, she belly danced for me in person.

*I Like* having her dances on the HD so I can watch them any time I want.

*I Like* what's going to happen in 80 days....

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