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You know what i like?


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Continued (ish) from My last I hate.

I like open minded people especially the ones that can stand being around closed minded people. (hint at my unrevealed secret)

I like relationships especially ones not based sex (they always fail).

I like going to counseling for my anger issues, I like talking about my problems.

I like when people stop looking and start seeing.

I like fine music, fine wine, and fine.....company

I like listening to angry music (releasing anger helps)

I like water and the sound of it.

I like living right next to a river and 30 minutes from the beach.

I liked living in Long Beach California

I loved the day I met Jesse James

I like my Katana

I like my peoples heritage

I love my counselors home made burgers (Just ate one mm mm good)

I hate fighting games but love soul calibur 2. Me and my neighbor just played it for Game Cube, whooped his butt and I haven't played that game in 3 years

I like being the nerd that I am.

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I like saying random things that confuses everyone around you, including yourself.

I like spending all day watching marathons of nerdy shows on TV.

I like doing things that people don't expect me to do.

I like it when people think I'm older than I am.

I like becoming so engrossed in playing a computer game that I completely forget the real world exists.

I like typing freakishly fast.

I like banging my head on a wall for no reason at all.

I like using strange and unreadable fonts in my stories.

I like watching people play violent video games.

I like totaling expensive European sports cars.


I would go on, but my fingers are turning into blocks of ice because the room is so cold.

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When I'm bored I like trolling the WoW forum boards using a troll avatar named ricktrolled thats in a guild called <Shady Dealers>. I use the sig "obvious troll is obvious". I just got back from a 3 hour trolling session. Kind of ironic/Hypocritical that I hate trolls (if they aren't funny at least)


I like what I call a "good" troll, a troll that isn't there to start flame wars or incite angry chaos but to create humor. Maybe they derail a thread or 2, maybe they annoy a few people but the majority of people start loling. That is a good troll. Best good Troll I've met was oranniar.

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I like the fact that life went on while i was away... and that it didnt bother me to find out that i wasnt irreplaceable...tho there is a better word for it that escapes me at the mo.


I like expectation. Especially the dark semi-sweet chocolate kind.


I like it that in a sometimes murky and sad world there is at least one good and loving person who will leave a light shining for you, so that you may fix your course and return to the better person you wish to be.


May you all have such a person in your lives.

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I like it when friends can pull on my heart strings, and cause me to well up.

I like it when, such a person, in my life can do that for me on a drop of a dime, and sweet talk me, and I believe him.

I like being an emotional sap, and make other people sick.

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