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You know what i like?


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I like:


So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

and nothing else matters


Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

and nothing else matters


Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

and nothing else matters

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Curse you. I have another week. But friday off because it's the funeral of one of the teachers. Didn't know him at all though.



Hey, we got a friday off when one of our teachers died!!

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*sighs* Ive carried this long enough. Time to confess. The day we learned that JFK had been shot, I was supposed to have a french exam. Was bound to flunk it. The exam, like the rest of the school day, was cancelled. So... on hearing the news, my unworthy reaction to Kennedy's death caused some... consternation amongst my contemporaries. I would like to think that I have a different set of priorities, now, than I did when I was ...what ever i was then. (...but im still glad i didnt have to take that test! )

Considering I used to pray, fervently, for nuclear annhilation every time finals rolled round, the above was a mild response, in retrospect. I like mild.

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*sighs* Ive carried this long enough. Time to confess. The day we learned that JFK had been shot, I was supposed to have a french exam. Was bound to flunk it. The exam, like the rest of the school day, was cancelled. So... on hearing the news, my unworthy reaction to Kennedy's death caused some... consternation amongst my contemporaries. I would like to think that I have a different set of priorities, now, than I did when I was ...what ever i was then. (...but im still glad i didnt have to take that test! )

Considering I used to pray, fervently, for nuclear annhilation every time finals rolled round, the above was a mild response, in retrospect. I like mild.


I like, that especially today, I can completely empathize with young Chesto. I like that I was just learning to walk when when JFK was shot, so I don't remember where I was. I like that when I was a wee little 'un, my Grammy drove me to wait by the railway to pay homage as the train carried RFK's body to Arlington.

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