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You know what i like?


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I like that myself and three male cousins...when children..would strap firecrackers to Tonka toy trucks and blow them up.

I also like that my cousins..after teasing me all the time. Snuck across the street when we were about 10...and kicked the shite out of the neighbors when they made fun of me. Family..heh

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I like that myself and three male cousins...when children..would strap firecrackers to Tonka toy trucks and blow them up.

I also like that my cousins..after teasing me all the time. Snuck across the street when we were about 10...and kicked the shite out of the neighbors when they made fun of me. Family..heh




We used to blow up model boats floating in a pond, by throwing firecrackers at them.

Oh.....to keep on topic, that ties in with family:

Of all my relations, *I Like* sex the best, and my sister the least....


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I like that it is only 17 more days until I leave for vacation. :banana:


...oh...going crazy and taking others with you ?


*I Like* when some things are just too good to resist.

Interpet that like you wish. I know how y'all are.

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A cabin,warming,on a winter morning.

A warm hearth twirling smoke toward heaven.


A laugh,a sigh from within.

Eggs and bacon creating grins on faces bright and shining.


A blanket of snow covering once green hills,

beckons child and sled toward winters icy thrills.


There are snowmen to be built,angels to be impressed.

These pleasures have stood the test of time.


A cabin warming on a winter morning.

Warm hearts yearning for the truth within them.

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