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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..

Ok I will try lost 3 post so I am fittingn everything in here..fast fro I lose connection..

Hi Chesto good to see you, hows it hanging la..and before you all go straight to the gutter that is a typical Corkonian greeting and eh like nothing to do with hanging things..Chesto knows..

Mos and Carah, excited for you both, but when you two get it all out of your system so to speak, really favourite Sidhe would like to hear from you two again...Mos remember you promised me pictures of you two togtreher..well um not like that Mos get your mind out of the gutter, oh thats right thats impossible..;)


Hi Ty, hows the form,la if not understand that Q..ask Chesto..he'll translate it for you..la


Hi everyone new..love to me dear freind Dezi, keep em goign till i get back and can join you.. :whistling:

Good luck me friend and sister Dani, with everythign including your project..you got two PM comin' if my DSL sent them that is..


Ok quick usually have 5 to 10 minutes if lucky before it fads out on me..Forgive spellig error if any, love to all, if I missed anythign catch it on the flip side..la..The Irish lass shall return..mouth and all..la


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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..



Ike was the size of Texas, and life threatening to boot; I think that's experiencing rain.

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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..



Ike was the size of Texas, and life threatening to boot; I think that's experiencing rain.


This is true...but I think she is talking about the daily, every darn daily for weeks on end of torrential rain. It is a whole different kind of wet..think Seattle without the grunge. Har

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*I Like* that in just over 74 hours, I shall be at Denver International, seeing my personal goddess disembark from a plane. Be sure to catch the news to see if we cause a public disturbance.....
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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..



Ike was the size of Texas, and life threatening to boot; I think that's experiencing rain.


Sister, no harme meant, we know and are sorry for whats happening there, but here we daily as a way of life lose house neverending rain, lines like I did my DSl a whole bunch of polls went down..crops, properties, we know of your troubles and feel bad its publicised here, but what goes on here the USA does not publicise so we deal ourselves with our tradgies..not minimising yours, but you have no idea, la..how it is here..eh like aye lives are lost here also, la.. especially the elderly that can't get help for they like me live out in the bogs..here in West Cork, up MidWest in Galway and Mayo its even worse..sometimes..but bog country, its terrible the loss we experience as daily thing..la

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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..



Ike was the size of Texas, and life threatening to boot; I think that's experiencing rain.


Had enough of that living on the Gulf Coast, and *I Like* staying dry.

Now, my only fear is falling down a mountain.

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I'd really like if this post posted, awaiting new DSL modem lines have been fixed, you have never experienced rain until you come to Ireland this time of year well anytime really eh Chesto..



Ike was the size of Texas, and life threatening to boot; I think that's experiencing rain.


Sister, no harme meant, we know and are sorry for whats happening there, but here we daily as a way of life lose house neverending rain, lines like I did my DSl a whole bunch of polls went down..crops, properties, we know of your troubles and feel bad its publicised here, but what goes on here the USA does not publicise so we deal ourselves with our tradgies..not minimising yours, but you have no idea, la..how it is here..eh like aye lives are lost here also, la.. especially the elderly that can't get help for they like me live out in the bogs..here in West Cork, up MidWest in Galway and Mayo its even worse..sometimes..but bog country, its terrible the loss we experience as daily thing..la


Not meant to as a criticism or to be insensitive at all, I actually do keep up with world news and politics. It's my thing. But I just worried that it might seem insensitive to our list members dealing with that. I'm not, I live in the Mid-Atlantic and we've been very lucky, we have some problems with heat and we're worried about the winter, it's deceptively warm here but we get cold snaps and heatwaves, and you know how it is, our elderly suffer the worst. Today my husband finally bought a pellet stove, we have no fireplace in this house and I need either that or a stove in my house. The high cost of oil convinced him finally to get me my stove. I'm very lucky and blessed, and I'm very aware that around the world there are many so less fortunate.


My intentions were well-meaning sister.

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