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I like being a brunette <fluffs hair> Well...sometimes anyway..when Ms. Cairol doesn't come calling!

5 days....

me too. Here's a little something for all my sisters

I like...very much!!!



Eh like who amoungnst us goddesses doesn't vist MS Lorelle or Ms Clairol, when time tries to take away some of me Irish red.....but with me Sínead O'Connor haircut..just a touch up will do..not her extreme one, when its grown back just a bit..Like The genderless cut in Oblivion almost....thats me..


Dezi..you Dear Heart....you did listen to my last video..

Eh like Rock on...I absobludelutely love this one.. as I sit here sing with it..I contemplated, that one, but choose the other one, in th last video I posted.. eh like believe it, this is the only US singer.. I have all her Cd's yep everyone...la .I'll ditto that one back to all my sisters also.

She reminds me allot of our Sínead , says whats on her mind and a big heart..

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I like that sometimes things happen to make people happy.

I like my new siggy also.



I really like this new siggy,Dani it fits you somehow..Goddess that you are..

Dezi said....qoute

i like to think of mos and carah...together...no not that way...pervs :P


I like also that Mos and Carah are finally together, call it the now don't tell anyone, but we might have potty mouth here in Ireland, especially West Cork so the rest of the country says.and hot tempers...like eh we also are the greatest romantics in the world, the Irish, listen to our traditional songs, its what Ireland is all about, the star-crossed lovers, the longing, hoping to find , the first meeting..Mos and Carah you know what I mean, I love that you two are together at last..remember a picture of you two you promised Mos, and I ditto Dezi likewise no not that way pervs...


Sorry double post put could not with my dyslexia remember everyone i was going to quote..

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And you filrting with TY, you need lesson mate....on how to flirt properly.. ;)



And Ty's sleeping through it anyway.http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/sleepy.gif


well the mess with the moderators is now over well nearly i got to be careful for a next few weeks and chesto stop flirting with me i am not a girl haha





if yu were a girl, ty, you would be 'merely' attractive. Cause you're a guy, makes you 'disturbingly ' attractive. I like it that you may spot the distinction, before they ban your arse. smarmysmileygitface. gif.

i like it that i , too , still have a lot to learn.



Well if Chesto can triple post so can I..I find it simply amazing the double standard they like it if we gals flirt, amidst good freinds, if their involved, its great.. if not, they make remarks, common Chesto me mate admit it.. ;)

Womyn can flirt with each other all in good craic, yet guys are so awkward, and feel its disturbed..and must clarify, and cannot just flow with a wee bit o' craic,, and let go with each other blokes,and know it is what it is good craic.. is it that threatening to the male ego, just have good craic..Or are guys less sure about themselves that they cannot allow it even in good craic..and before anyone gets upset this isn't a put down Chesto and I know each other so its a friendly tease, between the Brit and the Irish here..so anyone who doesn't know us don't be getting their knickers in a twist..we on this side of the pond must slag our friends or they'll be insulted.. ;)

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I like trouble...I like being trouble...and being SO worth it. ha ha ha


i hate when i get into damned trouble




I like...that is I were another person I would say somethng like...'thats because you haven't been into me yet'..but I am nice and far more subtle that that!



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