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You know what i like?


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either way i got work to do i said i make a CM for anyones on my freinds list birthday and i am one day overdue!



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Well, I more likely had *kittie kittie*-CATS in mind. And don't you dare that cane-trick, or I'll bite off some important body part of yours.

I like it that i had to deal with a more immediate threat in real life, and so did not have to address Sarya's nuclear option. Also, i never try to form a cunning reposte when i have my legs crossed. ...which, they still are.

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wow. kinda bossy aren't you scoobie!

When you are the boss, yes....and *I Like* that, especially with Carah in certain places....

In Canada???

Why, yes, *I LIke* being in Canada.... :whistling:

Thanks for asking.

Big empty place, Canada, mos. I like that you wont get lost there. Watch out for bears! Or beaver. Even more dangerous than bears, when provoked.


'Sokay, because *I Like* when I get past the part that's been visited by others, Canada is very cozy. And I do watch out for beavers since *I Like* them, but not bear, no matter how dangerous they are.

I like it that mos has finally spoken up, and that the real culprit for the lamentable disintegration of tone on this thread can at last be revealed. If he hadnt boasted about liking being in Canada, while whistling, I never would have warned him about beavers in the first place!

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Lisnpuppy, I once held that number for several months. Nothing bad really happened safe for someone who didn't like me taking it as an excuse to harass me. Little did he know...

I like to think that that person wasnt naive, and didnt have a fondness for bears, both of which i am, and do.

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