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You know what i like?


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It was, mutually, decided that hate was a bad thing which we could all do with out, a decision which we all liked.

Sock...? Dont you owe me something? Something to do with hippies, and free love, and stuff. Wasnt it... nope...cannae remember.

I like it that i can almost remember enough of stuff to be somewhat disquieted about it, even though i cannot remember what the actual stuff was.

"I hate hippies! I mean, the way they always talk about "protectin' the earth" and then drive around in cars that get poor gas mileage and wear those stupid bracelets - I hate 'em! I wanna kick 'em in the nuts!"

- Eric Cartman -


I don't really hate hippies, but I do like South Park. :biggrin:



I like that I can do a damn near perfect imitation of Cartman....and by the way HB....I'm not fat, I just big boned. ha ha


Big boned..girl, I saw your pic. Thems melons, not bones :whistling:

I like melons,they're juicy and fun to eat

I like that I remind chesto of things....my spankings are much different than parental ones...trust me!

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I'm so dead (any female forum member will kill and so will moderators)


BOOBS (and ass)!!!!!!!!!


I'm not normally so crude, but what can I say?

No offence anyone but someone was going to say it. What do I like? A good whisky, and some decent music (Punk or heavier, preferably metal, Slipknot, Metallica, Anthrax.)

But I hate most stuff, like anyone who can't make me laugh.

Comedy sets us free (as does sex). :biggrin: :thumbsup:


Please don't hurt me.

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Wasder, I think you and me are going to get along perfectly. I couldn't agree with anything you just said more. Except I have probably the largest range in tastes of music in the world. I like metal, yeah, i love it, but i also like blues, classical, classic rock, funk, jazz, dance, drum and bass, and all sorts of things. But I don't like rap.
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Hah! had to dig a bit , but it all came back! 5 june, 2008, I expressed an interest in the Woo that Socks... was offering, and which has NEVER been forthcoming , since! Bogartin the Woo, still, Socks...! I like it that the malfeasers of this world will always be exposed sooner or later.


What??? I know I was on then, and i havn't been on for a while, but what was i offering?

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Wasder, I think you and me are going to get along perfectly. I couldn't agree with anything you just said more. Except I have probably the largest range in tastes of music in the world. I like metal, yeah, i love it, but i also like blues, classical, classic rock, funk, jazz, dance, drum and bass, and all sorts of things. But I don't like rap.

I like classical music thru claasic rock...rap is crap! IMO, don't spank me...wait a lttle bit is ok!

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Big boned..girl, I saw your pic. Thems melons, not bones :whistling:

I like melons,they're juicy and fun to eat

I like that I remind chesto of things....my spankings are much different than parental ones...trust me!

so...d. ...your spankings dont involve rusty barbed wire, or any agrigulturally themed devices, at all? Hmm... i might like that.

Socks...! WOO, man! Where is the WOO? Jeez, fekkin hippies, always losin the plot! Far out! I like it that hippies are still as vague as we ever were.


mmm...melons. nuff said.

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