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You know what i like?


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I like NYE also,usually go to friends or have friends over...never drink and drive,always spend the night,or I have extra bedrooms for those too partied to drive

I like a bit of the bubbly myself! :biggrin:



We often go out and get a snazzy room near wherever we plan to be. We've done all kinds of things, including going to the Symphony, which you wouldn't believe how fun it is to get dressed to the 9s and party with the ritz. One time we had our neighbors over for a pajama party and bonfire. :D

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What if its a leap year! no...wait.... Im just not going to get that invite, am i? I like it that hb's wedding will not cater to riff raff. *sniffs*

Well, seeing as how the ceremony is being held in a small chapel on-post that is primarily a quonset-hut, and the reception afterward is at the post club across the street (formerly the NCO club) where my guests will be treated to chicken-wings and beer, I'd actually say the wedding is very much catering to riff-raff.


Mostly, it's catering to a Corporal, who's spending most of his money just getting his fiancee across the Pacific Ocean to get married.


You're welcome to attend, Chesto (dancing bear and all) as long as you can pay your own way to Korea.

And if you're that wealthy, maybe you could bring some side-dishes? Chicken-wings all by themselves are a bit... um... pedestrian...

Catering to riff raff, hey! Hmm. I must say, im gettin a bit tired of haulin this bear all over the place, and as i have to pay for the extra seat anyway, and yer short of the full course, from the sounds of it...how does Bear Fricasee Chesto sound as the main?! Hey! Just cause im hairy, doesnt mean im sentimental! Tho, I probably will cry some time during the procedings. Do they have tissues in Korea. Just so i know. I like to be prepared. And, Ive been paying attention, so I can do what the bear was going to be doing anyway! Win Win, I calls it! Or is that Chinese?

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I like that you make a great looking couple and I see that look of love in your glance....thats cool!

She is walking this way. I know she is. Just...she isnt getting any closer.

I like it that it is far better to travel, than to arrive. ...sometimes.

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