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You know what i like?


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*I like* one of my eggs hatched, isn't she cute, a baby purple dragon, I like that...

* I Like* how simple things can tickle me at times..la

*I like* that some things make me feel like a big kid...


*I like* that Garret is home away from it all for awhile to enjoy life a bit..

I like your little dragon,i also see cracks in the other two eggs as well!


Lisnpuppy Posted Today, 02:28 AM




AWWWWW..you got a egg Dezi.....I like that..click...

I like you like my new baby...aye the others will hatch soon.. :smile:

I like 3 is my lucky number so I had to get 3 ...ok so I saw the red Dragon for Wales I had to get one, for the Welsh blood in me..also.. I think 5 is the limit, *I like* odd numbers, lucky for me..so I will get one on my birthday 5 for the 5th Dec..*I like* that, a dragon for my birthday!!!.


I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly like your new sig... :wink: ..way to go girl, a pic speaks a thousands words..to those that dare, mess with the best..eh ..la..


Aww *I like* Dani got two eggs..click click..clicky mine also & my new baby...so she'll grow..I will name her when she's bigger..if you click on the mother/father link you can see what they looked like...also....see now we help each other with our new families by clicking each other eggs, brings us all closer, we take care of each other...in more ways then one..eh la..

Edited by Aeryn333
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I like that I clicked on Aeryn's and Dani's eggs


I like that dani's eggs remind me of something,but I'm not sure what! :whistling:



I like that Dezi egg is shy, it says...awwww....

Well its good that Dani's.. ummm eggs match then.. eh la... :whistling:

I like this Dragon egg thing..

I like I clicked on all your eggs..

OT..I don't like that my other egg that was about to hatch, got a soft shell, and I had to put her /him out to pasture, I read in the dragon forum,FAQ, when my scroll says it seems somethign is wrong..it told me that, they can get sick and die..nothing you can do..its from being abandoned to long when I adopted it..it says if an egg gets abandoned to many tiomes when you pick it up it can get sick..It strange but it made me kinda sad, in a weird sorta way..


But I like I got a new med green egg, to take its palce..and saw the red one so I got it too..

Edited by Aeryn333
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I like modding. I like my new pants. I like I modded them myself!






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I like Myrms pants, too. Always have, always will.

I like it that in 4 pages of new posts that Myrms pants exist, because every one else has gone stark raving bonkers! What the fek is up with the egg virus?! What part of egg attractiveness is passing me by?! This has turned into a Curate's Egg of a thread! Good in parts. Mainly, Myrms pants! HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR FEKKIN MINDS?


*ahem* I like bears.


Oh... and human... and the guy who likes baby drool. Obviously a part time baby drool receptacle. That gets very old, very quick. ...they are the other good parts of the Curates Egg. Weirdos, the rest of ya!

C'mon, Fell Hound! We're outta here before we catch this egg thingy!

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I like that the breath of imagination is still alive in some..

I like those that dare be called a wee crazy by the norm, that spread their imaginations and can still touch the child within..that believes..I like that....

I like that so much in the world is wrong, that flights of 'fancy' keep one young and are good for the soul..

I like that the humyn heart can let go of its fekkin' strict reigns on itself, and fly with dragons now and then..

I like Mrys trousers, good job, I like that whole pic and siggy you got going anyway.. I haven't seen Mrys pants so I can't say about those, tis a wee personal.. :whistling:

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hey guys sorry i have been a bit...cranky over the pass week or so... been a bit on edge lately and im sorry




No need to apologise for your feelings, Sheppard, we all have good days and bad days..stress does that..

Just be well, and know your cared about.. :smile:

But if you want to do something nice,* I'd like* it, if you'd click on all our eggs and dragons so they hatch and grow... ;)

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