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You know what i like?


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I love Dragons. I think that since there is so little magik in the world that I will keep clicking. I always cry when I hear Puff the Magic Dragon.

I like that I am still enough of a kid inside that I believe.




*I like* that Dani loves Dragons as much as I.

*I like* also feel so liitle magick exsists that these wee things are a sign of it being alive and well..

*I like* that Dani is still a big kid inside..like me, and not afraid to say it..

Even on this side of the pond Puff the Magick Dragon was a loved song..played it on my guitar as most of their songs I did.aye..I liked that song also..


*I like* that only myrmaad mentioned that song also had other connotations, its one of those multilevelled 60's songs, with double meanings aye..depending where ones head was at the time...Puff and puff..sometimes both at once... :whistling:


I like your comment reminded me of at song what was it by whomever.I don't remember its name.....

"Sittting downtown at a railway station one toke over the line."...


*I like* that her majesty Dezi is back, and that looks like the dragons are not going away, much to some dismay, they are here to stay..love ye Sister..missed you.. :wink:



*I like*..that a certain someone will have to start ducking again, for many of them have sprouted wings are taken to the skies..and don't like the archaic rumourers of injustice about their true nature, spouted out about them hording things, and hauling off virgins..ect..

I like that karma is a b**ch


I like that in 2 days and counting is a special day!!!!

Edited by Aeryn333
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Omelettes, Carah? Not getting that one at all.


I don't think anyone else get's it either, but Chesto knowing me, and how my mind works. You can assume it's bad... heh!

*I like* that I'm the only one that get's my post.

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I like that I will handle the Old One....and wont even need my dragon to do it. <smirk>



I like a womon that takes charge of rowdy off colour Old Ones.. :thumbsup:

I like that, that may not appease the hurt dragons though...the bumbershoot may still be required, if said Old One does not watch said step..<sardonic smirk>

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I like the fact that nearly everyone has a dragon but me, I ate all mine


*I Like* that I also don't have any dragons.

*I Like* barbeque.

<burp> oh, excuse me.

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