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You know what i like?


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I like the fact that nearly everyone has a dragon but me, I ate all mine


*I Like* that I also don't have any dragons.

*I Like* barbeque.

<burp> oh, excuse me.

I do too,mos. But it takes a hell of a sling shot to bring one of those suckers down! i like big sling shots!


*I Like* big, double barrel sling shots....

Oh thank FEK! Mos saves the day from the food column! Dragons, puppies...now fekkin food fetishists! Whaddya, Ob Comp the lottya?! Food is not filth! Mos does filth! Good healthy filth! Yey mos! I like mos. ...and his filth. Now, Ive said filth so much, my brain has fuzz on it. I like a fuzzy brain.

I like to think that Josh will be careful on his roof, and that he shall reach his allotted span.

I like to think of dezi in Davey Crockett country. Tho...he was a mite rough on bars. * sniffs* I have feelings for bars.


But, Sarya, other than bears, Russia is known for its awful weather. Its what keeps you guys from being French , or German. I like a historical perspective on weather.

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Chesto, what you said about russian weather... well, it's bulls**t, actually. You see, it's WARM what is bad now, moisture, dirt, mud, constant cold rain, depression and... ewww.... It would be MUCH better, more comfortable and CLEANER if there would be - 10 by Celsium and snowing. And if it gets to that temperature now then our wet roads will turn to ice and we'll risk to break something or to get hit by a car :wallbash:


Well, I'd like to express my anguish because of all of this.

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