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You know what i like?


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*I Like* finding out there's a store close by to get that certain something for a certain somebody. :whistling:

*I Like* 33 :banana:

*I Like* Carah (very much so) :wub:

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"I enjoy the feel of grain,

The screams of a man in pain,

Blood coming down like rain,

Showering me!

Oh that everlasting thrill,

During the final kill,

Body dumped in a landfill,

Got off scott-free..


These are all the little things that make me smile, this is all the stuff that makes life worthwhile. One day I shall eat your brains and it'll be great, so let's sing about the things we like and meet our fates!"












O.o I need help..

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*I Like* only having three weeks and three days until completeness :wub:

*I Like* Mavrosh...she's such a babe with a good sense of humour. :bunny:

*I Like* Sarya...mostly because she's Sarya.... :woot:

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