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You know what i like?


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*I Like* Carah, very much (just a reminder in case y'all forgot)

*I Like* having only 38 days until her and I are together in person again

*I Like* looking into her green eyes in person better than on web cam

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I like it that...


Some things are still the same.

Some things have changed.

For good, or ill, this place is still a bit like life.


There remain names here which put a squeeze on my heart, still... for all the right and wrong reasons.

The fact that they still do means Im not dead yet... and this is a very mixed blessing.

Continuity cuts, and heals, all at the same time.


I might come back six months from now, and say all of this all over again.

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I like my new friend, Mr. Nips.


I like that it's only 36 more days until I torment Malachi in person.


I like seeing an old friend and his fell hound are still around... Hi Chesto!!

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*I Like* how some things not understood can become clearer

*I Like* having 33 days left more than I like 34 or more left

*I Like* where my heart is

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*I Like* having only 29 more days until torment in person begins....heh...

*I Like* not feeling rushed.

*I Like* forgetting what I was going to put as my third entry here.

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I like the fact that I've been on this site for a while, and still nobody knows who i am! :P


No really, I like that, it gives me an air of mystery!


I like how Katshy overemphasized his obscurity! Do it too much and it will be less mysterious! Now, run away into the shadows, and spring out and an unexpected moment.


I like how colorful things. But being as dark and sinister as I am, I like color to be displayed in strange and unusual ways.


I like it when my son goes to sleep. Peace...at...last....for 15 minutes.

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