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You know what i like?


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*I Like* 47
*I Like* knowing this is the last post in this thread this month
*I Like* what I got done today

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*I Like* having the first post in this thread this month
*I Like* annoying some people so much they went invisible to my profile and bumped my star rating down
*I Like* the survey team will be done bothering me at work next week

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* Blue Bell Ice Cream finally being in Colorado !
*I Like* knowing I'll get some overtime @ work in a few weeks
*I Like* Carah

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Im back! currently modding fallout 3.


I like the fact Malichai has pretty much kept this thread going for 2years!


Why hasnet this topic been pinned???

Edited by einhander888
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*I Like* einhander888 popping in for a visit.
*I Like* less than a month and Carah will be here.
*I Like* a lot of things

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I like that my son will be spending time with his Dad, tonight.


I like having the whole place to myself, this evening, without hearing, "mom", "mom, "mom".


I like that I'll get to bug Malachi in person, in 26 days.

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I like rockets.


Why? I dont know, there's just something about the spectacle of a few thousand tons of steel and engineering breaking free of Eareth's gravity and soaring into space atop of volcano of flame that I find really stirring and uplifting. A brief but poignant monument to what we are capable of.

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Oh ill be around for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I aint going away anytime soon. im gonna start modding finally.


" i like the fact i forgot to tell Carah and malichai in there pms i got married and all that stuff since ive been gone."


"I like the fact they pmed me"


"i like my job"


"but i dont like the nexus, I LOVE IT!" I love just spending my time here, when my wife is off working!


"i like fazz, my pakistani co-worker, the guy is crazy and a joy to b.s with."


"i like the fact that some people in this world actually have an open mind and arent filled with violence, they know how to take the rage out playing video games instead of shooting people in real life"


"I also like the fact llhammonds, bben46, and all most the moderators are still here that where heare before i left"


"I like the idea i chose to be sober the rest of my life"!



" I like the idea of a bet to see who makes the 4000th post here" Carah, Malichai, Me, or somebody else!"



"i like the fact, the hate thread didnt make it a week yet this one made it two ( 3? ) years and its still going!"



Edited by einhander888
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