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You know what i like?


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I like caffeine, video games, that feeling you get when the hot water in the shower comes on, pop tarts and sleeping (can't seem to get enough of that lately though). Edited by suidery
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Whut du i liek?


Well... I like good grammar, despite what my first sentence might suggest.

I like most any Asian food that doesn't consist of something I might consider a 'pet'-type animal.

I like firearms of all shapes and sizes.

I like everything electronic that isn't a stupid Tamagotchi.

I like Pandora, it's awesome.

I like movies, even some bad ones.

I like video games, especially Fallout: New Vegas, my first Fallout ever.

I like Minecraft, because it's just that awesome.

I like that I've just covered 90% of my likes in under 20 seconds or so.

I like how long this list is getting.

I like to hunt.

I like to fish.

I like to go camping.

I like how I didn't combine those all into one 'like' like I probably should have.

I like the side-by-side 'like's the previous line.

I like how ADD this post is turning.

I like how I'm not even ADD and this seems pretty ADD.

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"I like most any Asian food that doesn't consist of something I might consider a 'pet'-type animal."


I dont care if its rat cat monkey or dog....I like chinese food :)

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I could never get my head around the idea of eating dog. Cat doesn't bother me, because I don't like cats. Probably because I've always had a dog since I was like 5, and they've always been as much a part of the family as a brother or something.
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We as humans have been eating dog longer than chicken. if you have gone anywhere and ate the food chances are.....you ate dog.

you also eat at least 3 spiders a year.

and dont ask me about parasites in and on your body, you commit suicide. :)


JUST KIDDING! ( about the suicide )



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*I Like* the week finally being over

*I LIke* only having to wait 17 more days

*I Like* Carah

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*I LIke* the drive I'll make to Denver International Air Port in 10 days

*I Like* all the projects I got done around the house today.

*I Like* Blue Bell Ice Cream

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I like the fact i am a pro at making fallout 3 and oblvion not crash, to the point where i purposly try to make them crash.....:)


I also like the fact that malachai still likes carah......


Hehehe, i like the fact, I got a name change on here, I was tired of einhander888 :) ill never ask again :)


I liked tamujiin, because the other tamujiin ( correct spelling ) was an inactive user i suppose. I don't know but i liked the spelling of it this way.


And by the way Tamujiin, is ghengis khans, given mongolian name.


Oh yeah, I don't think i ever said this, but......I LIKE THE NEXUS!

Edited by tamujiin
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I uhh, hope this links to the story I told it to, but this webpage is notoriously dificult to link to, so good luck.




Awesome huh? who here hasnt thought at one stage or another: Dang, I'd love to fly like a bird-seeing the wonders of the world from half as kilometre up and at 300 km/h must be awesome" well, here she is! the worlds second comercialy jetpack. The Rossy Flightpack, is cuirrently not schedualed for mass production... yet, but hey, IT'S A FREAKIN' REAL WORLD JETPACK!


And if you cant wait for that, this New Zealand corp makes a slightly diferent, biofuel powered model. Fully FAA certified as safe(American government's Federal Aviation Authority, a reliable authority to say the least), with thousands of hours of flight tests and more than 200 orders. If you have a spare $110,000, why not!




Coolest. Big-Kid-Toys. Ever.


EDIT: yep, that's got it, second try lucky

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I uhh, hope this links to the story I told it to, but this webpage is notoriously dificult to link to, so good luck.




Awesome huh? who here hasnt thought at one stage or another: Dang, I'd love to fly like a bird-seeing the wonders of the world from half as kilometre up and at 300 km/h must be awesome" well, here she is! the worlds second comercialy jetpack. The Rossy Flightpack, is cuirrently not schedualed for mass production... yet, but hey, IT'S A FREAKIN' REAL WORLD JETPACK!


And if you cant wait for that, this New Zealand corp makes a slightly diferent, biofuel powered model. Fully FAA certified as safe(American government's Federal Aviation Authority, a reliable authority to say the least), with thousands of hours of flight tests and more than 200 orders. If you have a spare $110,000, why not!




Coolest. Big-Kid-Toys. Ever.


EDIT: yep, that's got it, second try lucky

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