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You know what i like?


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I was reading an article in Drive magazine this morning, about a car I suddenly rather like.


The Dacia Duster is an extremely budget car from Romania. It's designed to get you from a to b without breaking or doing anything bad on as shoestring a budget as possible, and on the merits of giving poor people a great car, it has great merit indeed. But compared to cars that aren't designed to be affordable, it's... less great.


So some lunatics have taken a Dacia Duster and turned it into a 1100 horsepower race car! This year it shall attempt the Pike's Peak rally, and while I fully admit it's too draggy to really stand up to cars like the SX-4 PP Special it's still awesome, and I still love the idea of a little people's car being apotheosed into a mighty beast. Very cute.


http://news.drive.com.au/drive/motor-news/the-634kw-suv-20110530-1fce5.html Link is completely safe, it's to Drive Magazine, which is a weekly in a major Melbourne newspaper, aswell as being one of Australia's best automotrive papers.

Edited by Vindekarr
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*I Like* having this week off from work so Carah and I can spend more time together.

*I Like* that we have been learning to make some wonderful Greek dinners.

*I Like* ( extremely much so ) Carah

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The CERN laboratory under Geneva has long been the center of some of the world's most astounding scientific discoveries, but now they've managed to encase and study one of the most elusive substances in the universe: antimatter. Through heady science I don't remotely understand they've managed to extend the time that Antimatter lingers in this universe after creation, from 0.2 of a second, to more than 15 minutes, and can now trap far larger amounts of antimatter aswell. CERN's research has always been the cutting edge, but now it's truly vindicating it's mammoth price, revealing some of the big mysteries out there to do with space-such as where all the antimatter went, and what anitmatter actualy is.


In other science news, the world's first teleporter has been confirmed to work, teleporting a particle from one side of the lab to another lab on the other side of a major river, one small step for a particle, one giant leap towards Transporters aboard the Enterprise! DARK ENERGY! :geek:


And Tamujiin, you owe your biggest thanks to Malachi and Carah, they kept this thread alive through hell and high water, and they're why it's here now.

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I like going out shopping with Malachi


I like making stuffed grape leaves


I like making Baklava for Malachi on his birthday :woot:

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