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You know what i like?


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I like this> http://news.ninemsn.com.au/glanceview/171652/cross-eyed-opossums-zoo-debut.glance It doesn't get much cuter or more inane than that little thing.


I also like that the 24 Hours Of LeMans is... TOMMOROW!


History is something that matters greatly to those who are either involved in, or fans of Motorsport. But if there is one race that sticks out more than all the others, the one you would show to your friends and say "this is why i love car racing, then that race is the 24 Hours Of Le Mans. The most famous race of them all, and the grandparent of modern GP racing, Le Mans started in 1924 as a testrun and showcase of the then new Automobile, and remains one of the last races of that great epoch to survive today, alongside the Indianapolis 500, Monza Formula One GP, Monaco GP, and the dreaded Isle Of Man Tourist Trophy(The race with the second highest yearly fatality rate of any sport in the world, of about 2 a year).


The reason for this fame is a snowball effect: as the fame of the then Le Mans race grew, more prestige was put on winning, and with more prestige, came more desperation to win. As the automobile flourished in the late 1910s. several major manufacturors began warring to be the be-all-end-all on the racetrack, and with racing on public roads being outlawed in 1920, they needed to build their own tracks to race on, and to get lots of cars in one place at one time for a truely massive showdown. This is where many of the aforementioned tracks began their rise to legendhood, aswell as now long gone, long missed favorite like Mile Miglia and the Safari Rally, but of them all Le Mans stood out for it's shear brutality.


Unapologetic in it's desire to test car and driver well beyond what they can endure, Le Mans is one of two 24-hour races held every year. At the tick of 3:00 local time in northern France, driver set out, and are not allowed to stop, or rest until 3:00 PM the next day. Three drivers per car, two cars per team, and the field is split into four classes, ranging from lightly altered production sports cars, to multi tens of million dollar magna opuses from the world's best brands. It's a proven formula, with many names going straight into the history books from the track, like Sterling Moss, Jacky Ickx, and more recently the legendary Tom Kristiansen, but it's also seen it's fair share of danger. Le Man's circuit is Circuit De La Sarth, which features the aweful Mulsanne straight. During the late 1980s, cars reached speeds of more than 400 km/h or 340 mp/h along Mulsanne, and unlike many sports little has been down to the actual performance over the years for safety.


Many racing formulas attempt to increase safety by simply making the cars slow, here, they instead do other things, like ensuring a driver must take a rest after each three-hour stint, resulting in the "two man comedy show"-with one driver getting in and the other out as quickly as is humanly possible-since every second you're in Pit Lane you lose in the race,


TLDR it is all in all probably the most exciting race of them all, the fastest cars and best drivers and one of the most uncompromising and brutal tracks, starting tommorw at 3:00 PM French time. Gonna. Be. Brutal.


Pic related, the Ford GT-40, perhaps the most legendary of all Le Mans winning cars, there's a whole hour of story telling just in how a Ford came to win.



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*I Like* ( and so did Carah ) the dinner I cooked tonight.

*I Like* that the other day Carah and I went to the casino with 42$ and left half hour later with 93$ ...eh...it wasn't a big win, but it was a win....

*I Like* being able to visit with Carah's mother the other day on Skype

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I like having the time to do things that I enjoy...


(OT: Congrats on getting engaged, Malachi and Carah! That certainly is news to me :) )

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*I LIke* the overtime I'll be getting at work next week.

*I Like* that the money I'll make will pay for the shopping trips Carah had when here.

*I Like* ( extremely much so ) Carah

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*I Like* the new recipe for pot roast Carah and I tried when she was here.

*I Like* being able to finally play "System Shock".

*I Like* ( more than anybody else ) Carah

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I like seeing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, here in Canada, celebrating Canada Day.


I like making a new mod


I like Malachi; though absolutely nuts for putting-up with me, but somebody has to do it.

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*I Like* that even though it's not an easy job, I'm doing many males a favour by taking Carah out of circulation.... ;D

*I Like* getting some rain in the area for a change

*I Like* being able to work Monday and getting paid extra for having to do less....

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*I Like* beta testing the mod Carah is almost done with

*I Like* finding out I didn't lose my knife

*I Like* Carah....

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Great thread idea you have here. :)


Video game/internet related:


I like people who aren't graphic *****s.

I like people who play online games and act as nice in-game as they do in reality.

I enjoy playing as female characters...for some reason. It's certainly nicer than a generic musclehead.

I like modders and designers who are willing to release something for free just for the fun/principle of it.

I like games/mods that have interesting styles for clothing/armor that manage to be good-looking without being overtly objectifying (aka skimpy).

I like games and stories that are interesting enough to spark philosophical debates, despite how nerdy it may be.

I like game companies, moderators, admins, game masters, etc. who have a sense of humor and aren't just in it for the money.

On that subject, I really enjoy parodies that are witty and not just degenerative.

I like games and companies that are willing to break the norm, like any of the genre-founders or quirky games like Psychonauts or Bru[uuuu]tal Legend.

On that subject, I like games that let you play as something besides a human or elf.

I really like how Oblivion is still the best-looking game I've ever seen once mods are applied, despite the graphic *****s saying that games like Oblivion and Dragon Age 2 have terrible graphics.

I also really like to read and write big posts and rants [as you may have guessed if you've read some of my posts]. No, seriously. Debate is fun and interesting.


On a different subject entirely:


I like rainy days, much more-so than sunny days or (uhg) cloudy-but-not-rainy days.

I really like symphonic and neo-classical metal, the kind that actually takes some skill to play and still sounds good.

I love being able to play along to music on guitar. On that subject, I also dislike playing in front of crowds...(talent show...*shiver* At least I got some fans.)

I really like people who can smile once in a while and be optimistic rather than cynical (I wish I was the former, but I'm not quite the latter either).

I am sort of an advocate of "art for art's sake" - I enjoy beautiful art, and I don't believe that every story, painting, or song has to have a hidden meaning. Indeed, often a meaning is conceived by the viewers rather than the author. Basically, art doesn't have to have an innate meaning, and each viewer has their own point of view of what the art represents. Look up "Everyone is Jesus in Purgatory" on TVTropes to read more about this.

I like peace and quiet.

Edited by rinoaff33
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