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You know what i like?


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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* being the first one to post in this thread in over a week.

*I Like* Carah and I having taco salad tonight

*I Like* getting Oblivion set up so I can play it again when I get tired of FONV.

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*I Like* Carah finally releasing "Carah's Caravan Redux" for Oblivion.

*I Like* how she made an alternate version in case people have mods that use the same location.

*I Like* having posted a screen shot in Oblivion Image Share after not doing so for about 18 months.

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*I Like* my new phone and carrier.

*I Like* when things are looking up.

*I Like* getting three posts in a row here

because it is so much more fun than tic tac toe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I LIke* when we get 3" of snow in four hours.

*I Like* when that 3" of snow melts off the roads 4 hours later.

*I Like* Carah

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* when a person tells me how I can improve a mod I posted over two years ago.

*I Like* the new download history The Dark One implemented so modders can see what version of a mod somebody has downloaded.

*I Like* being able to see that the twit that told me how to improve my mod hasn't even downloaded the mod yet....

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*I Like* seeing new grass growing, filling up a bare lawn.

*I Like* how deer wander through our neighbourhood.

*I Like* Carah

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I like that every time I start playing Skyrim I end up downloading tons of mods and looking at other people's cute pictures instead of playing. I think Oblivion will be the last ES game I'll ever finish.

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