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You know what i like?


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I like it that i have discovered that i like to be bossed around by somebody who can take my irrefutable logic and... refute it.

I like it that i havent had a heart attack over the fact that this site is sooooo slooooow this am.

I like it that the fell hound has had the good sense to move waaaaaay to the other end of the house, while i chew on the keyboard.

I like it that fell hound, even tho elderly like moi, still requires that i greet him every morning by scratching the his neck.

I like the low moaning sounds that the fell hound makes when i do this.

I like it that i have never considered beastiality as a sexual alternative.

I would like it even more if the fell hound would give up on humaniality. Simply cannot lose any more postmen.

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I like it that i have discovered that i like to be bossed around by somebody who can take my irrefutable logic and... refute it.

I like it that i havent had a heart attack over the fact that this site is sooooo slooooow this am.

I like it that the fell hound has had the good sense to move waaaaaay to the other end of the house, while i chew on the keyboard.

I like it that fell hound, even tho elderly like moi, still requires that i greet him every morning by scratching the his neck.

I like the low moaning sounds that the fell hound makes when i do this.

I like it that i have never considered beastiality as a sexual alternative.

I would like it even more if the fell hound would give up on humaniality. Simply cannot lose any more postmen.

I too like having obscure knowledge like...the fact that if you put bananna skins next to your rose bushes the aphids will stay away, or that... um...well...that was it ...really.

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I like it that i have discovered that i like to be bossed around by somebody who can take my irrefutable logic and... refute it.

I like it that i havent had a heart attack over the fact that this site is sooooo slooooow this am.

I like it that the fell hound has had the good sense to move waaaaaay to the other end of the house, while i chew on the keyboard.

I like it that fell hound, even tho elderly like moi, still requires that i greet him every morning by scratching the his neck.

I like the low moaning sounds that the fell hound makes when i do this.

I like it that i have never considered beastiality as a sexual alternative.

I would like it even more if the fell hound would give up on humaniality. Simply cannot lose any more postmen.

I too like having obscure knowledge like...the fact that if you put bananna skins next to your rose bushes the aphids will stay away, or that... um...well...that was it ...really.

I like it that these old keyboards are really teeth proof, as i try yet again, and again, and again... to post thisl.

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I like hearing how the word 'babae' might sound , in my own head, as someone might say it.

I like it that dezi gets to gloat a little, and for very good reason.

I like it that Sarya has allowed her essential humanity to shine through enough to take pity on me. So...we good about the bears, now, Sarya? I like to hope so.

I like it that yoyo...shares my frustration at the slowness of this site some a.m.s . Tho..this site slow..is far better by far, than other any site at top speed.

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