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You know what i like?


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I like the fact the site has 2 new moderators, some of my two favorite people here, i was extatically happy to see them become moderators. I wish i came around more the past few months as i would have thrown my hat into the mix too.



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*I Like* putting green olives in the pepper slices jar for a few days so the juice gives them some zing.

*I Like* creeping little dorks out. You have been warned. Read on at your own risk.

*I Like* when the phone rings and I hear a certain familiar voice in the morning, when I'm standing there naked, about to take a shower. Huh ? Oh...too much information ? ...heh... Hope you got a <vivid image> of that....

*I Like* late night calls, when that certain familiar voice sounds sleepy, and makes me wish I could give her a goodnight hug and kiss. Or more.

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I like the fact i know who Moz is talking about and alot of you sucka's dont.

I like Dezi, she is a beautiful person from what i have gotten from her posts.

I like bartending cause it feels like i am the guy in the center of the party getting everyone drunk.

And Last but not least, I like bud light, Dos equies, and Malibu diet, cause when i start serving that stuff i know the party has started.

Then comes the 3 wisemen, Shots of jack, jim, yukon, Jose, Absolut, and those nasty fricken jag bombs. bazooka joes are allright though.


Anybody got a good drink throw it out by entitling it "i like"


Example: i like Kamakazies, Shot of vodka, shot of triple sec ( eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww ) dash of lime juice. Any schnapps to flavor.

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I like the fact i know who Moz is talking about and alot of you sucka's dont.

I like Dezi, she is a beautiful person from what i have gotten from her posts.

I like bartending cause it feels like i am the guy in the center of the party getting everyone drunk.

And Last but not least, I like bud light, Dos equies, and Malibu diet, cause when i start serving that stuff i know the party has started.

Then comes the 3 wisemen, Shots of jack, jim, yukon, Jose, Absolut, and those nasty fricken jag bombs. bazooka joes are allright though.


Anybody got a good drink throw it out by entitling it "i like"


Example: i like Kamakazies, Shot of vodka, shot of triple sec ( eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww ) dash of lime juice. Any schnapps to flavor.


Well yesterday I liked serving this concoction to myself and my niece (don't worry she's in her 30s):


Equal parts Baileys Irish Creme and TGIF Mudslide mix (preblended) in a blender with ice and a Snickers Ice Cream bar topped with whipped creme. Very nice on a hot summer's evening.

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I like it that i have discovered that i like to be bossed around by somebody who can take my irrefutable logic and... refute it.

I like it that i havent had a heart attack over the fact that this site is sooooo slooooow this am.

I like it that the fell hound has had the good sense to move waaaaaay to the other end of the house, while i chew on the keyboard.

I like it that fell hound, even tho elderly like moi, still requires that i greet him every morning by scratching the his neck.

I like the low moaning sounds that the fell hound makes when i do this.

I like it that i have never considered beastiality as a sexual alternative.

I would like it even more if the fell hound would give up on humaniality. Simply cannot lose any more postmen.

I too like having obscure knowledge like...the fact that if you put bananna skins next to your rose bushes the aphids will stay away, or that... um...well...that was it ...really.

I like it that these old keyboards are really teeth proof, as i try yet again, and again, and again... to post thisl.



haha, yeah I love pets, especially when I start talking to them about my daily life and reminice about things with them - they're good listeners. I didn't know that about banana peels, know how to keep the white flies away?


I like good stories other people tell me with a punch line that includes, "And then I pooped myself opened my mouth and eyes wide in surprise. I was 18."

I like to wave food around my dog's nose and ask her in a low seductive voice, "Tell me what ya want!" She always barks and growls on that command.

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I like the way Aeryn speaks,she has flow and power in her words

Fey,I believe many things,and that is one of them.

I like that chesto almost always twists words to make then have a different meaning.

I like being alive,inside and out!


I like that Dez believes in the Fey.

I like that Dez feels I have flow, tis the Bard in me..in comes form flowing with my soul...no matter where I am, even here..as for the power, that is an illusion, its just I speak my mind from my heart and soul tis all, nothing more...all of us have said power if we choose to utilise it..I like that.

I like it even more when people choose to even when its hard..and sometimes scary..

I like Dez, not much gets by her, yet I believe much of Dez gets by most..

I like that Dez likes being alive inside and out..


I like that Chesto seems to have lost his words to me, after my post. I like the honesty of me words to Chesto, but I hope that Chesto takes up the gauntlet and is not offended by anything I said, for it was not meant as such..I can only speak honestly and sometimes that bluntness hurts unintentionally I hope that was not so..I also hope Chesto finds the way out of whatever overwhelmed him..


I like that I let Chesto off the hook, I found the Snow arena, by accident, and read it backwards, its easier to get to the meat that way, and bypass all the bubble and squish..to the page I was referred to, and I like Chestos wit, and attempt to overturn the chaos..in an arena of pure insanity..


I like that amidst that challenge I found respect for a new person Lisnpuppy

I like that the Goddess attempted this with more intelligence, than the lot put together, (although the Old One tried in his way..I saw that..Chesto..)


I like that Lisnpuppy entered a male dominated Snow arena of testosteronic insanity to bring some clarity and if I can say this here, I don't know if it will be bleeped out for its not considered cussing where I come from but a big compliment..


I like that Lisnpuppy has bigger brass tits, than all the small steel bollocks, she contended with there..

I like that Lisnpuppy entered when she did, and exited with dignity, when she did..

I like that Lisnpuppy showed all the sides of the Goddess, yet maintained her integrity through it all..:)


I like that I found out toan is still very young,thus excusable for refereeing to my accent as a 'dialect thingy or just mispelling'..that gave away your age there..

I like that with age, hopefully toan's horizons will broaden, to not cause headaches, for those who talk or write different then himself.;)


edit...I noticed I got 3 kudos, 3 is my lucky number and thats all I wanted, no more or less,just 3, and I like I got my wish, and go raibh mile maith agat ( a thousand thank yous) whomever gave me the 3 I wished for..

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I like the fact i know who Moz is talking about and alot of you sucka's dont.

I like Dezi, she is a beautiful person from what i have gotten from her posts.

I like bartending cause it feels like i am the guy in the center of the party getting everyone drunk.

And Last but not least, I like bud light, Dos equies, and Malibu diet, cause when i start serving that stuff i know the party has started.

Then comes the 3 wisemen, Shots of jack, jim, yukon, Jose, Absolut, and those nasty fricken jag bombs. bazooka joes are allright though.


Anybody got a good drink throw it out by entitling it "i like"


Example: i like Kamakazies, Shot of vodka, shot of triple sec ( eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww ) dash of lime juice. Any schnapps to flavor.


I like that ein thinks he knows there is allot of sucka's who don't know a thing..and is very wrong..

I like it that ein doubts the intelligence level of many appearingly so.. :closedeyes:


I like Murpheys stout, what else is there...the Corkonian replies..all your American drinks..are weak in comparison to our tolerance on this side of the pond..common over to Cork and have a wee pint or two o' the black stuff Corkonian style.you won't need any of the fancy stuff, and see if you not away with the fairies by the third jar.. ;)

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I like it that Aeryn found the Old One, and what a ballsy Goddess Lisnpuppy is.

I like that i tried to unwind that quotation but that, divil take it, cannot and that Aeryn may tell me , of her own volition, what it meant, and that she will forgive me for renegging on the bargain.

I like it that Aeryn worries that she may have offended me, and that i can put her damn straight that she hasnt. Though someone else, with his head so far up his arse that its a wonder he can breathe, has, and deeply.

I like it that i have overcome my 'overwhelmed' enough so as not to be quiet for more than a few posts. I like it that some 'overwhelmed' are so wonderfully life enhancing that there is no need for anyone to think that they need recovering from, though i like it that anyone would be concerned enough to express such a wish.

I like it that ive still got a lot of likes to respond to today, but that mos is probably getting antsy with the length of this already...so wont, for now.

I like it that I even give a damn what mos thinks.

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