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You know what i like?


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I like Myrmaad's new siggy, it's very cool!

I like that josh is ok,and has Ice cream again

I like going without panties sometimes, short dress,windy day! :whistling:

I like being 'bad'....sometimes! :biggrin:

I like that chesto has never worn panties, but bet he would look 'hot' in them..lol


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*I Like* when the wind really blows.. :whistling: <walking behind Dezi> ...What ? ...um....the camera ? I'm a tourist, ok.

*I Like* unexpected photo emails. ...heh...

*I Like* how those two lines don't really pertain to each other, but they make things a bit more interesting being together.

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Ok this is my second try at this...


I like that I am able to rise out of my dr ordered comatose state long enough to make a post. A post that will be the meet Mos's legal requirement of more than 2 lines.


I like that Dezi has beautiful words and a more beautiful heart.


I like that Chesto was wearing his cardboard pants in preparation for his arse kicking. And I like telling him that there was not 1 but 2 Finnish drivers on the podium today at the F1 race. Har

I like that Carah worries about me when I am sick.


I like Mos and his pictures..but don't tell him because I don't want his big head to block out the sun. Feh.


I like Myrmaads post and new siggy.


I like that Josh doesn't let a little thing like a mild concussion keep him from posting..though I suspect that a quart of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream may delay him. I also like his restrain in not taking that kid that shot him with the paintball and putting his foot so far up his butt that the kid could taste his shoelaces. That is what I would have done.


I like that I fixed the stupif yellow exclaimationmarks in my Oblivion game.


I like feeling better so I can start getting back to my life and such.


I also like my new friend Aeryn333 who is willing to fogive me for saying something that hurt her...and I like that she is also willing to take the time to fix things sometimes lost in translation. Blessed Be Sister.


I like all of my friends on here and that they say (mostly) nice things about me and worry when I am not around. Thanks to all of you!

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I like that I dragged myself out of the silence, as I watched all ther good post go by, but was to sombre and in pain inside meself to type any replies..

I like that of all the post it was Lisnpuppys that got me to post, I figured if she could drag herself here so could I..

I like that Lisnpuppy thinks of me as a new freind, and I can add her to my freinds list..amougst freinds and Sisters siily things are wiped clean by kind words..easy as that..

I like that Lisnpuppy removed any remainder of doubt I had left in mind that it still wasn't ok..that I made such a mess here..Thank you Sister and Blessed Be to you too..


I like Myrmaads new sig, too, and I wish someone would show me how, mos sent me the quick way, but my dyslexic mind still doesn't get how.. :(

I want a siggy...


I like everything about Dezi


I like mos he such a warm thing for a bloke..

I like that he got such a hot gal for his life..lucky *censored* ;)


I like that Chesto and I speak almost the same language, and he gets me, no translations needed.. to bad he's a Brit..;-)

Only kidding Chesto, you right *censored* you..


I like that there are people I care enough to translate for them if they don't undesratnd this Corkonian, the others ta hell with them..


I like that Josh is Ok even if I don't know him, I worried about that ould noggin' of his


I like that Lisnpuupy fix the blasted yellow ! don't ya just abhor those things.


I really really like it if all my new freinds, would read my new thread. so I won't feel alone, and stupid for posting it..like I already do..

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I like that josh is happy...revenge is sweet..just don't gloat too much! :biggrin:

I like that Lisnpuppy is back,I missed her, and her friendship and Aeryns means alot to me!

I like that my heart is healing,that I'll survive,and that Love like many things isn't always the thing I sometimes really think I need,but boy, I like the fringe benefits!

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I like The NEXUS.

I like the members of the NEXUS(especially some in particular).

I like the thrill of a good action game.

I like juggling bottles of Nitroglycerin.

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i like Stargate

i like the NEXUS

i love winding people up

i love crysis

and i love that my heart is at its highest


Col John Sheppard


Dez i hope you heart gets better soon!

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