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i like that Aeryn is going to give me irish coffee haha

I would like some too, just hold the coffee. :P



I like that, neither Timihendrix..or tyreil understands...I will yeh!!!!!

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I like the fact that the posters of this forum all have a respect for each other and can openly express their emotions with no negative feedback. Oh and I like a big slice of double chocolate cake thats drowning in cream :woot:
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i like that Aeryn is going to give me irish coffee haha


Carth Onasi



I like that tyreil thinks I am going to give him Irish coffee..I will yeh!!!!!!

Before tyreil gets all excited, tyreil might want to go back and click my Corkian slang link...

I'll take the Irish coffee gladly,I'm sure I'd like it! :biggrin:

I like that sex can be talked about openly amoung adults, I like sex but it doesn't rule my life!


I like facing up to adversity,for it takes true strength and character to not let others beat you down, and as Aeryn said, wisdom to know when to temper what you'd like to say as opposed to what you do say!

I like aeryn, she is wise and I learn from her, and respect her ways and idioms,for her knowledge of life,outweighs mine and I respect her knowledge and wisdom.

I like that Carah and I may live close to each other!


I am sure Dez would like it too, you want that straight up, or with a twist..mind if you take the twist, it will do more than open your eyes..lass :yes:


I like that sex can be talked about openly too, well for most people that is...others do not have such freedom, despite being an adult, for fear of a mob mentality..amd psycho social programming..

It should never rule anyone..nothing should rule anyone but their soul, and souls like making love , as much as good craic..and a good cry, and even a temper tantrum now and then..


Ah you cannea beat the Irish, if theres a people that knows about not being kept down its the Irish..speaking for us here only..and me personally..

Ah Dez........You do me too much honour, I am just me that's all...ye make me blush sometimes you little vixen you..;)


You and Carah live close how is that possible I thought, wait a minute let me check you profile again..oh nice new photo Dez.. and nice moon picturers..ok where was I..So ..close to Lake Michigan , and Carah is in Canada..hmm I guess on what side of lake Michigan you are on and what part of Canada Carah is in, that's possible..if I remember what little I know of the mid part of the states...and US geography at all..

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I'm pretty sure nothing I can say now could possibly make my situation any worse, and seeing as nobody seems to understand me anyways, then what the fek. Obviously no one slagging me for insulting Mos is willing to read even slightly deeper into writing, or even the writing itself, because I've called Mos a "creepy old man" for quite a while now. He actually started it. Seeing as I have no issue with Mos at all, it stands to figure that my comical title for him was not an insult, but just a comical title. Amazing. I am particularly surprised that it has not been let go because I have explicitly stated TWICE that it was a joke. I cannot be held accountable if someone takes something too seriously, but once again: Carah, it was a joke, I'm sorry. I don't give a fekking damn if she's blocked me, but could someone else at least tell her?


Aeryn, if you wish to fence, then let us fence. I warn you though, I do not wear kiddy gloves. I wear no gloves at all. However, in light of the fact that I have been so misinterpreted it isn't even remotely funny, I might as well bring a wheel of cheese. Everyone will think it's a sword and find it highly offensive.


tyreil, while I'm not quite sure what a vibrosword is (Star Wars, right?), something called a "blaster" doesn't sound like it would a) be fair, and b) make me bleed, thus ruining the bloodsport.


Aeryn, again. I'm pretty sure (t/T)imihendrix asked for some Irish, without the coffee. What that means, though...


Dezi, thanks for accepting me and all, but what exactly did I push? Did I push a crippled donkey into a minefield of betrayal? Because that's what it feels like. Sort that metaphor out for yourselves.


Chesto, thanks for either not posting or not stabbing me in the face like everyone else. Apparently they're too honest for the back. Wonderful.


Frankly, I don't give a rats flying arse on meth if I've insulted someone in this post. I really don't. I said what I felt needed to be said, and if someone can't deal with non-flowery-pseudo-poetry, too fekking bad. Feh. Unless it's requested otherwise, I may leave this thread. Free up some space in my bookmarks. Good day to you all.


I like being brutally honest in what I feel.

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i like that scots rule haha im scottish!


Carth Onasi


I'll take the twist Awryn, my eyes need opening..sometimes

toan,you beat a dead horse,its still dead!

I like that Aeryn thinks I'm a fox.....they are after all a very smart animal, thankyou!!!

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i like that scots rule haha im scottish!


Carth Onasi



I said me dear fellow Celt, that no-one can keep the Irish down, now as Celts we are all equal.. but since you wanna play your wee We rule game laddie ...I do believe England rules Scotland, whereas, we Irish are free..;p

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Aeryn, if you wish to fence, then let us fence. I warn you though, I do not wear kiddy gloves. I wear no gloves at all. However, in light of the fact that I have been so misinterpreted it isn't even remotely funny, I might as well bring a wheel of cheese. Everyone will think it's a sword and find it highly offensive.


Aeryn, again. I'm pretty sure (t/T)imihendrix asked for some Irish, without the coffee. What that means, though...


Dezi, thanks for accepting me and all, but what exactly did I push? Did I push a crippled donkey into a minefield of betrayal? Because that's what it feels like. Sort that metaphor out for yourselves.


Chesto, thanks for either not posting or not stabbing me in the face like everyone else. Apparently they're too honest for the back. Wonderful.


I like being brutally honest in what I feel.


Me dear toan, after this post your blocked also..I just had to see if you'd own up, admit like a man, apologise and go on, but I see thats not possible..To be a man or a womon is to admit when you done something arse about tit, and then make it right with the ones you have, but first you have to admit you were posssibly wrong..in the way you worded things..

As for fencning you would not know how if you saw one..and If I took off me gloves me wee laddie you not be standing to tell the tale..as for stabbing no-one stabbed you anywhere except you, in your own foot..As for brutal honesty what??? can give it... but cannae take it..I just like being a mirror, its something I do well..


I like brutal honesty also, but with a fencing sword not a pointy sharp one..when you get that pointy sharp one out of your foot, then perhaps you'll stay and buck up, and stop chewing your foot.

I have nothing personally against you, but you don't see that, nor would you..

Deaf ears have now been enlisted you had your chance to be a man and make it right..but you choose the path of self defence.The hard path is to admit maybe you just aliitle have pushed a wee bit more the boundaries than some find comfortable..and only you can make it right, by eating some humble pie..

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