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You know what i like?


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haha amen to that


Carth Onasi



Now there lads and lasses is two Celts haveing a wee bit of craic with each other true fenceing..in its true form just to have a wee bit of friendly go with the other....I salute you..Slainte!!!!!

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You know what I like? what I really like? I like my friend Kari... no I love her, love her like a sister. She and her friend Brooke have been there for me as much maybe more than my family during times of need. Her latest act of good will leads me too my next I like, I like blind dates. Kari set me up with a friend of hers. I've been out of a relationship for almost a year now. I don't get out of the house to meet people very often, for 2 reasons. The main reason would be my bum right leg and the second reason is because there are pretty much 2 types of girls in this town the partiers (stoners and alcoholics) and the almost super model hot but extremely high maintenence girls that are really bitchy. I can't stand being around alcoholics and I have 1 maybe 2 shallow bones in my body but the other 200 something are not. So you can be the hottest girl in the world but if you got a stick where it doesn't belong I won't even attempt to make conversation. I was shallow at one point but one day I had an epiphany and realized being shallow was one the barriers preventing me from being happy.


Kari hooked me up with her friend Kathrine, a cute black haired girl with possibly the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. A lot of people are awestruck when they first meet someone they like so to avoid sounding cliche I'm not going to say anything like "love at first sight" or any of that nonsense. We had our date at 3rd street pizza one of the popular hangout places for younge people, I also used to work there and know the owner quite well. Despite being reletively poor I'm not cheap and was fully prepared to pay an arm and my other leg for the rediculously expensive pizza but good Ol' Shaggy brought us a large chicken and herb pizza free of charge. We ate, talked, and got to know each other, what we liked and disliked. After lunch we went to go see a movie. She wanted to see Sisterhood of the Traveling pants 2 I wanted to see Pineapple Express so we comprimised. She said we would see Pineapple Express first and save Sisterhood for the next date (good sign?). After the movie she decides to reveale a piece of herself that hit me dumbstuck like the fist of god itself. She thinks of herself as a video game nerd this was her exact words " I hope this doesn't sound wierd but I play video games...alot." Like reflex I ask her favorite Genre, her reply: RTS (she had brains). We go back to my place and LAN up Dawn of War: Soul storm and go head to head. The game is Chaos Marines (me) VS. Sisters of Battle (her). I fancy myself a pretty good DoW player, I have the DoW extreme mod. For those of you who haven't play DoW or don't know what DoWEx is, DoWEx takes the current DoW AI and super charges it. Easy becomes more difficult than insane and I have never beat a computer harder than hard on DoWEx. We start up the game and for the first 15 minutes it seems my force of chaos marines and defilers are slaughtering her forces. I've always been one to enjoy demoralizing victories so I decide to pull out my bloodthirster and really drop the hammer. Nex thing I know I got a living saint and platoon almost as big as mine in my face. Our super units had a pretty cool battle, Daemon VS. Angel. The living Saint is not as strong as a Bloodthirster in a strait up fight but the living saint can resurrect herself after dieing so my daemon ended up loosing the second fight. My forces crushed and relic captured Kathrine's Sisters descended on my whiped me out. Here's a couple pictures of the Bloodthirster and Living Saint


I have to admit I may have found my better at DoW. After the games we went to Brooke's to hang out with her and Kari and watch TV. After a while I gave Kathrine a kiss goodbye and headed back here where I tried to sleep but these damn new meds I'm on are invoking some nasty insomnia (See I hate thread).


In my life when things seem too good to be true, they are. Quik Moszi check my pulse and tell me, should I go towards or away from the light??


God I must be notorious for having some of the longest posts here.

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I like what blacksnake said

I like love at first sight...it happens...mom and dad for two!

I don't personally believe is "love at first sight." To me it insinuates that you loved someone for their looks and to me seems more like the feeling was based on lust and not truely love. I think a more approriate phrase would be "Love at first meeting" although that doesn't sound as good. Some of my fondest memories with a girl came from an Ex that was chubby and looked like she was hit it the face with shovel but I still loved her. Now if I based my feeling for someone on what I felt when I first looked at them I would have never met Megan. I guess love at first sight might be refering to love at first meeting and I might just be getting to litteral at what the actual wording means. Sometimes I just look into things deeper than needed. I still say I need my pulse checked.

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In my life when things seem too good to be true, they are. Quik Moszi check my pulse and tell me, should I go towards or away from the light??


God I must be notorious for having some of the longest posts here.


Ah Blakesnake don't worry lad, I might follow close behind or sometimes even with that long posting bit..I don't know you but me gut says, ones never wrong when you go towards the light..if anything you'll learn a valuable lesson.....sometimes tis better to risk, the unknown than not have lived at all...




PS..sure love at frist sight meeting whatever the wording happens, you look into a pair of eyes you have known before in another time, and there you are as if time stopped..nothing to do with whats on the outside either it has to do with some spark within..sometiems its instantly there, for you have loved before..it happens..

Edited by Aeryn333
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I found Blacksnake's story to be very well written and it generally made me feel good. Kudos to you, sir.

It was actually inspirational enough to make me post on this thread again, after my long break of about...2 hours? Maybe? Ah well.

I too have some experience with those "almost super model hot but extremely high maintenance girls that are really bitchy". God how I hate them now. I, foolishly, found myself quite interested in one who I didn't know too well. She seemed pretty smart and decently nice...but jeez, bad decision there. It never went anywhere, which was frustrating as hell, but I guess it's a blessing because eventually she just started being totally self-centered and stopped (did she ever start?) regarding me as a person, and just as a living tech support phone line, only without the phone. I feel totally stupid for ever being interested in her, and when I consider how much time I wasted on this conceited little witch, I get filled with rage.

The stupid thing is, this happened less than a year after I stopped liking a proper girl (I was a bit too young then) who was genuinely kind, incredibly smart, and funny as all heck. Luckily we stayed friends (though a bit distant), but I am now just the teeniest bit confused about the whole thing because we started talking again and I remember why I liked her in the first place. Ah well, such is life.

Since this post didn't contain I like, here: I like getting this off my chest. I feel much better now. I think I'll post things more like this from now on.

I know half the people here didn't read this, or didn't care, but if you did, thanks.


Oh, and Blacksnake: congratz man! I believe you may have found the holy grail. Just don't lose it.

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I like Chesto reminding me about my all time favourite Women in history...Boudicca: Queen of the Iceni.

I like that she was a Celtic Queen with flaming red hair and the temper to boot.

I like that she stuck her neck out and faught for the people she loved.

I like that she sacked the Roman army on more than one occasion.

I like to think that maybe I was her in a past life, because what she did is something I wouldn't even think twice about not doing.

I like fighting for the honor of the people I love.

I like having celtic and viking roots.

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i like that carah has celtic roots

i like fighting for what i belive but whats makes diffreince to anyone else in the world


Carth Onasi

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Aeryn, again. I'm pretty sure (t/T)imihendrix asked for some Irish, without the coffee. What that means, though...

An irish coffee is a coffee spiked with liqour.


, that no-one can keep the Irish down

Except for the british, of course. :P

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