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You know what i like?


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I like it that Lisnpuppy likes anticipation.

I like to think that anticipation, like youth, is wasted on the young... who live in such a constant state of anticipation that it may preclude even the concept of anticipation. May as well ask a fish what it thinks of water.

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why do i get the feeling some of you ( mostly dezi ) is talking dirty?


Carth Onasi



Ummm is it perchance because you want Dezi to be...;)


no really go back a few pages


Carth Onasi

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I like that sex is part of being human,for do we not all strive for it. Do we not all crave love making and closeness, the intertwineing of bodies. Its part of our animal make-up and I refuse to deny a part of me that makes me who I am.

To deny my sexuality would be to deny myself freedom to express my hopes, my dreams, my very being. I am human and therefore I need and I want and I yearn.


I am me,accept me for me, for I'll not deny who I am.

And I find flirting and subtle commentary enjoyable!

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I like it that i have had such good news, awaited for anxious weeks, that i have been ,almost, put into a forgiving frame of mind. Almost.

I like it that i could have the presumption to forgive anybody.


I like it that i am so suffused with joy, right now, that i could make love to everyone on this thread. Some with rather more ease than others, but still....

And it would be the kind of lovemaking that one feels in the heart on hearing a song that moves one. Or a piece of instrumental music. Or an object d'art, or craft. Or all the other fine things in creation that one takes the time to notice, and appreciate. Even the mad old man, madder and older, who accosted me yesterday as i waited for a bus, just to compliment me on my beard. And who then wandered off down the street giving loud praise to the birds, or the trees, or his own madness. And , for whom i felt only the tiniest, momentary, frisson of initial fear.


I like dezi just the way she is.

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I like that sex is part of being human,for do we not all strive for it. Do we not all crave love making and closeness, the intertwineing of bodies. Its part of our animal make-up and I refuse to deny a part of me that makes me who I am.

To deny my sexuality would be to deny myself freedom to express my hopes, my dreams, my very being. I am human and therefore I need and I want and I yearn.


I am me,accept me for me, for I'll not deny who I am.

And I find flirting and subtle commentary enjoyable!


Well said Dez, well said...bravo...la...just about sums up exsistence..and the humyn desite in us all..

I find flirting and subtle commmentary enjoyable also..!!!

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why do i get the feeling some of you ( mostly dezi ) is talking dirty?


Carth Onasi



Ummm is it perchance because you want Dezi to be... ;)


no really go back a few pages


Carth Onasi


Umm aye I was there back a few pages, and that's Dezi being Dezi..Flirty, subltly as she well does, as do I, if one pays attention, tis good craic..Tis not talking dirty..so that's why I didn't get your refrence..

for a Scott you sure slow on the uptake laddie..;)

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