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welcome to the world after finding out the girl i broke up 1 week ago is now going out with my best mate atm im a bit slow


Carth Onasi

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I like it that Lisnpuppy likes anticipation.

I like to think that anticipation, like youth, is wasted on the young... who live in such a constant state of anticipation that it may preclude even the concept of anticipation. May as well ask a fish what it thinks of water.



M'dear Chesto if you dont say somenthing to me soon, I am going to be so sad.., I miss your witty comnents to me, and challenges to this Irish lass all the way from Ol' Blighty....;)

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or they scar and remain a mark for the rest of life


going to stay off the general oblvion forum for a while )


Carth Onasi

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or they scar and remain a mark for the rest of life


Carth Onasi

only if you allow it too, the heart is a lonely hunter, and destined to breakage,but it will heal if you allow it too.

Whats happened has happened and dwelling on what could have been,or what is not under your control is unhealthy.Let it go,and move on!

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welcome to the world after finding out the girl i broke up 1 week ago is now going out with my best mate atm im a bit slow


Carth Onasi



Aye I picked that up posts ago, that I felt something was wrong but you skipped over that, when I said I was concerned that's all..See I see things sometimes before people say them..I felt for you then I do now,I know that wound only all to well myself, why do you think I am here, trying to get out of meself..

Aye some wounds can even last for lifetimes..when its a soul mate..


There is nothing you can do, but I do know the anger that it was your best mate, that is the wound you must grieve, until the grieving is done there will be no healing..Time, has is own table.. as does grief if allowed..things happen, and not all to our liking..I have lost so many I love in the Troubles here..that loss had almost become a way of life for me....incl meself at one point.. also the soul one in this life, the love of my life..that I am surprised that I am standing at all..


Aye wounds can last for a lifetime,in out hearts, even lifetimes in our souls, true..but you must go on..somehow..I have to tell myself that every single day, when I wake up, you must go on, there is a reason, even if it to post here..Reasons even if I cannot see it..Sometimes its hard, sometimes I don't want to, but by the grace of the Goddess somehow I do..


By the Grace of the Goddess i was lead here to such a caring family..that it gives me just a wee more incentive to keep on..

Each day I am deeply indebted that I met Mos and Carah and Chesto and Dezi and Lisnpuppy my sister, and even you though I tease you a lot its The Celt way here of showing care..


Thera are times here if it wasn't for Mos and Chesto and Dezi, hear me you 3 how important you are to me.. I might have crawled back into that space where you are, and what you said is correct back then, oh so many pages ago, when I tried to let you know I felt you pain and cared..what you said is true..there isn't enough alcohol in the world ... been there got that tee shirt also, only makes matters worse..so don't even try..


Listen to me me dear Scott, its deep inside, and you must find it..somehow and in someway..or life will lose its meaning..Been there got so many feckin' tee shirts, I'd be rich if I sold them all.. like several times in this life, and yet I am still here..la


So remember your roots laddie, the proud Scott , remember who you are..and go from there..

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I like that broken hearts always mend...even if it takes time.

I like that I have found Sisters in unexpected places.

I like that Chesto's boy made the grade-so to speak. Must take after his Daddy!

I like that this place has given me unexpected opportunities.

I like that there is always tomorrw.

I like that my dogs act like I am the center of the universe...no matter how bad my bed-head looks!

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I like that broken hearts always mend...even if it takes time.

I like that I have found Sisters in unexpected places.

I like that Chesto's boy made the grade-so to speak. Must take after his Daddy!

I like that this place has given me unexpected opportunities.

I like that there is always tomorrw.

I like that my dogs act like I am the center of the universe...no matter how bad my bed-head looks!

I like that Sisters appear in unexpected places just when you need them..Goddess is so awesome is She not..

I like that I want to believe hearts do indeed mend, and I do this by telling others they will..say it till you believe it..but each step on the journey gets there..

I like even though I don't know it, that I do know that We mend...despite our hearts...

I like that this place is an un expected opportunity

I like that my Tonkinese baby thinks I am the centre of the universe, but more I better be the centre of hers or else..

I like that with my Sìnead O'Connor haircut I have no bed head mornings..;)

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I like that I've met some truely wonderful people here, who show love,compassion and understanding, and feel with their hearts and speak from them also.

I am blessed to be called friend by so many here, and truely my heart swells with joy for my love goes out to you all!

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I like that I've met some truely wonderful people here, who show love,compassion and understanding, and feel with their hearts and speak from them also.

I am blessed to be called friend by so many here, and truely my heart swells with joy for my love goes out to you all!


I like what Dez said..tis true words...spoken by one of the biggest hearts here..

I like it if me friends would give me new photo a look, I am out of hiding behind me darker sunglasses..Sunglasses in Ireland what a joke....truly...better called hide in the rain glasses..

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