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Tytanis vs midas magic,who broke my savegames? :/


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Hi guys, I have both mods tytanis and midas, I suspect that since the day that i actually installed midas, my skyrim isnt working anymore...

All savegames are corrupt and if I get ingame i can play till I die then its corrupt again ebcause iot has to load a new savefile.

Couild it really be that Tytanis and midas together is a bad combination?

What can I do, since tytanis cant be deinstalled and mida's files are already deleted,

I have really no idea what I could do as next, please help me I really want to play Skyrim again.



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There was a thread about something similar to this in the Mod Authors forum (don't know if you have access). Here are some posts that might be of interest for you, though this problem is caused by removing Tytanis (crash in General Stats) so I don't know will it help:


I've heard that the problem with removing Tytanis is that the spells it includes are the culprit.

Not sure because I refuse to use any large compilation packages. However, if it does indeed add new spells, you can try manually removing them with the console, doing a save, then disable the Tytanis stuff and see if your save game doesn't crash anymore.


General Stats and spells...favorite spell or maybe a shout?


With your save and TUM installed, check your favorite spell. If it is a TUM spell, try changing it (thinking godmode and wailing on a vanilla spell). It might take a lot of casts. Once it is changed, make a new save, uninstall TUM, and try loading your new save.


Here's the OP's solution to his problem:


I basically sat down for about five minutes, spamming double-hand equilibrium and healing a few times, and soon enough, it replaced the Midas Healing Beam it formerly had as favorite spell.

Then I disabled the Tytanis.esp, worked! Complete uninstall through NMM: double worked!

Edited by Werne
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Midas magic is designed in a way it does not touches the game mechanics, although not telling it could not happen I find it hard to understand how it could break the savegames, if disabled you would only lose all spells you already had. For the save reason the spells themselves should not conflict with anything except maybe with mods changing the magic system in a way to break the vanilla spells too.


Of course it is still subject of bugs, malfunction and stuff, that would be more the case of the cell changing (like the reactor and items used to create the spell itself), but this is not what you are reporting.


About tytanis I can't tell much for I don't know the mod, all that I know it is a compilation and people reporting it has been in a dormant state to the point of some claiming it dead. Now, one whole thread was created exactly claiming it should be removed from the download area under the accusation of breaking save games... well, at this point better letting the answer to someone who know it.


Edit: Werne beat my answer and did it in great style, kudos :)

Edited by nosisab
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Combining two large mods is bound to have conflicts, and that's the reason I don't use them.


what do u mean with changing the spell? o.O How do I do that?


Changing the spell? If you mean removing the spell, you need to have that mod active, then make sure you unfavourite all spells that aren't vanilla and disable the mod. If you alredy deactivated the mod, your save might be condemned to Oblivion, though you can load an older save from when you still had the mod active and at least save some progress.


Skyrim has a weird way to handle favourited spells, if you remove a mod without removing them from the favourites your saves end up screwed, and if you don't create a new save every time you save your progress you'll need to start a new game. Always create a new save, disable auto-saves and don't quick-save, it can prevent most bugs/glitches, you have a backup if something goes wrong and your game will run more stabile.

Edited by Werne
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I recall something like this happened in Fallout 3 with custom perks. It seems like the game keeps trying to use the custom processing even after the controller is gone, and that makes (the not quite robust enough) master controller go kaboom. This is why I don't mess around with things like (additional) custom perks or custom spells.
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Thx for your answers but what do u mean with changing the spell? o.O How do I do that?


In the case that Werne referenced, the person had recently uninstalled Tytanis (and maybe Midas Magic) and was crashing when opening the General Stats menu. He had a mod added spell that had become his Favorite Spell in the Magic section of the General Stats menu (not a mod added spell that you would set in the (Q) Favorites menu). You can change that Favorite Spell by enabling godmode in the console and casting a vanilla spell over and over until it becomes your Favorite Spell. Preferably a destruction spell fire into the air so that you are not advancing skills. It does not matter if you have the mod that added the spell installed or not. If you have it installed while changing you can check and see when the change occurs. If you do not have it installed while changing then checking before the change occurs will cause a CTD and you will have to start over.


The crash in General Stats menu due to a mod added spell becoming your Favorite Spell in the Magic section of the General Stats menu will happen with *any* mod that adds custom spells when one of those spells becomes your Favorite Spell and the mod that added it is uninstalled.

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