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Why does everybody hate me?


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Completed the Thalmor Embassy quest last night and went back to Solitude to talk to Delphine. The cow wasn't there and of course she had all my gear so I headed on over to Riverwood. As soon as I got there everyone began attacking me forcing me to slaughter them. I ran into Delphine's pub and her husband came for me. Killed him too and then Delphine attacks me. I could not kill her but got my gear back and kept all the quest items from Thalmor. Then I went to Riften in search of this Esbern character. At first the guards just looked at me but when I went in the bar to give that s*** faced lizard Madesi his gold ore, he and every other bastard went for me without provocation. Killed a few, Madesi unkillable. Ran outside and the guards came for me. Managed to escape Riften but wherever I go now I am wanted for crimes commited in Skyrim but I ain't done nothing!


Is the game meant to go like this or have I slipped up somehow?

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Each hold/city has its own faction so you should be kos in Riften or Riverwood just because of something happening in Solitude.


As far as I am aware, Imperial guards have the same task throughout Skyrim and as they say, "you have been found guilty of crimes committed towards Skyrim and her people..."

So, if I steal something in Windhelm and then visit Solitude they will immediately attempt to arrest me.


In this case I did nothing other than rip off that Elwen slag in the Thalmor Assembly which resulted in the whole of Skyrim wanting to kill me. They can't do that, I'm dragonborn for christ's sake! I'm there to save the miserable sods from total annhilation by gigantic flying lizards with bad breath.


But seriously, if I can't find a way around this the only solution is to go back in time before I met Delphine.


To anyone that has already completed this quest, and I suppose that's most of you, is Delphine meant to be your ally once you have ripped off the Thalmor club or is she supposed to double-cross you?

Edited by AleCuneo
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That is not supposed to happen. Something went wrong somewhere, somehow. I'd try loading an old save and doing it again.


And by the way the previous poster is correct. Each hold tracks it's crime separately so just because guards are attacking you in one major city they should not attack you in other cities. Now if you go up and talk to them that may be different.

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I'm not saying you are wrong thompsonar because I have seen how this is supposed to have panned out on YouTube however; when I had to fight the two unkillables Madesi and Delphine, both insulted me. Even a little boy outside the pub was rude to me so I'm thinking this must have been programmed into the game. The question is why and what did I do to trigger it?


I will admit that I did not do the quest as per the video because when I got to the room after the kitchen where Malborn is supposed to give me my equipment the chest was empty. I reloaded the game and tried a second time but it was still empty so I managed to complete the quest by sneaking around and stealing items. Only once I had killed a guard and seized her mace was I able to attack the other guards. So yes, something definitely went wrong!

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Otherwise, it's a bug or a bad mod.


I was wondering about that. I have installed the Tytanis and Midas Magic mods so perhaps one of them is responsible or maybe it's a cocktail effect, I mean perhaps they are conflicting?

Nonetheless, the characters were deliberately rude so I guess it was programmed into the game.

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