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Interior Spawn System feedback needed


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Hi folks,


I'm implementing a system into my spawns mod to enhance vanilla interior spawns. How this will work at present is I'm going to place some dumbed down versions of my spawn markers into interior cells, and when this system is turned on each marker will spawn an individual NPC of the relevant faction. This is to emulate more spawns in interiors, however these NPCs will not have any special data like my others can have applied.


What I want is a list of interiors that really need this, some exteriors may need this also (I also have another system called Extra Enemy Stronghold Patrols for exteriors that can be turned on)


I'm investigating ways I can make this system spawn other actors when the location is cleared, to emulate 'explorers' from other factions so that there is not wars going on when you go to a currently occupied or uncleared interior. I will offer options to make it chance based as well as respawning on its own timer instead of cells timer but at present this is all that's planned.


Ideas and feedback appreciated.

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excellent work as ever, SMBNinetyTwo-er.


i think this is a phluppin awesome idea, and will go very well with the Bounty Board/ambient quest overhaul mods,

and the karma system overhauls...


ideally, this idea would be a community resource and standardized/interoperable with

the UnderBoston and Better Aquatic Spelunking new lands/proceedural iterative 'dungeon crawling' mod projects;

those have variable layouts per load runtime, with only a few cells being fixed non-randomized...

this would also futures-proof your mod, if in the future, someone adds new enemies from new lands mods,

such as maxwells world etc (those clown-zombies...)

or the 2D-3D stickfigures from B2-D-B2's sketchland.


until a hypothetical collab of that scope materializes and discussions happen,

I cannot provide a definitive list of locations where this'd be awesome, apart from all player settlements (excluding 'para-settlements' please

otherwise this would be just as potentially annoying as Preston Garvey is hehe.)


main areas though;

the Science Dome near Ticonderoga Safehouse, that's a relatively under-used place.

Goodneighbor alley and in front of memory den, inside third rail, and those 'squat houses'.

Natick, Poseidon Natick interior,

Enclave Station K21b.

Nahant Oceanographic, Croup Manor Basement,

that hotel near shamrock bar and grill,

Spectacle Island


abandoned CIT ruins,

CIT tunnel from red rocket's glare.

SouthBoston Checkpoint (with Enclave Returns, enclave there would be awesome)


Vault 75 - garys from the Garys of the Wasteland, or Todd Howards from Toddsville.

Vault 95 ghouls, squatters, critters.

Vault Tec HQ - very devoid of evil for such an evil company.


University Point Pharmacy,

Clamshell/that other bar near eddie's safehouse.




as I replied earlier in the War of the Commonwealth 2,0 thread,

my only fear with interior spawn placement, is

how are you ensuring collision avoidance for

nX! worth of the combinatorial nightmare that is, modded settlements? if you place them in player settlements that is,

that's be awesome to make settlements more of a meaningful thing.

and, how do you avoid the 'bloat-ware' effect, of having the spawn-point be placed randomly?

how do other games avoid that?

this was a partial stumbling block of WotC v1,0...


If you could somehow, generate or confine that to a wall-offset algorithm/sized 2D 'map' slice of the locale/cell

and use AGI or a color check routine,

to edge-detect and wall discern etc, you could place the spawnpoint such that, it will coincide with the customized settlement...

that would allow a 2D geometry check per stadia/criteria specified.

that way, the AGI gamesmaster can create encounters based on coordinates marked as 'bar', 'hospital' etc,

on the basis of the object-class placed in that slice.

this also would generate maps for book/note instances pseudo-self-referentially...


see, I prefer that, than going by an unmodified cell,

or based on collision check distances from the player character on-Event Enter Cell etc...

because some cells, it'll chug hehe,

and that'd be trickier for some ambient quests.


I just don't want the enemy to spawn inside of a wall or under-the-map,

requiring no-clip to kill them hehe.

I also don't want just a wall-offset logos, as I have visions of them falling to their deaths for some settlements,

such as the mobile Prydwen, VerasCETA's settlement-airship,

the TARDIS or scrape-scraper elevator town / Vault 666.

elevators and punji-pits would be tricky for that offset constraint global...


which reminds me...

It'll be fun to test your mod in conjunction with Memory Den Virtual Holodeck new lands settlement mod,

and the B2-D-B2 '2D-3D sketchland" mod

major continuity errors and wacky-wasteland, here I come hehe.


"how the heck did gunners etc, find me in my secret memory den para-settlement?!"

let alone, with the Theta-Tan Teleport Realm...

they went to all that trouble, like 'neo', to 'jack in', just to ruin the virtual holodeck fun?

it gets better...

using any door to any where.

I can put a door directly to the virtual memory den holodeck new lands,

from inside the TARDIS interior settlement new lands,

so I can go from anywhere in the wasteland via the tardis back to goodneighbor... where I somehow wind up getting out of a memory lounger,

yet, I retain all the inventory from my adventures in the virtual holodeck...


again, what the?

though the best one, is using an any-door to any where from the memory den memory lounger virtual holodeck para-settlement,

to then appear in the Institute without needing to teleport in...

that one is hilarious,

and somehow, your companions/power armor immediately appear too,

all without being 'jacked in'.

that's a special what-the.

is there a Strong-sized or Virgil sized teleporter, or a little one for Dogmeat?


you can also fire a signal flare for assistance from the Regulators or Minutemen

in the memory den virtual holodeck settlement...

and they'll march with you into the institute. the game crashes if you use Whirlygig or the BoS flare and try to enter the Institute,

or if you destroy the institute without replacing the door instance...

Thanks RuadHan2300 for that one - I can use your teleport gun to open a door to an endless stream of minutemen etc.





thanks for reading,

I look forward to seeing what other folks come up with,

especially for foreseeable mod conflict standouts, interoperability/resonant combos of mods, etc

as it's sure to make WaroftheCommonwealth 2,0 and beyond, even more awesome


some of FiftyTifty's ideas may also make this framework even more awesome,

not to mention the folks working furiously on the NPC overhaul I do hope they'll chime in with awesome ideas.


thanks again SMB92.

I hope you find some of these ideas of use hehe.

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I'd like to say "everything", but I know you're busy with what's already undergoing :)

My personal problem with most of the interiors in FO4 is that they're all so predictable. Generally you find the exact same creature/npc on the exact same spawn in every playthrough.

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@montky - The idea is to provide standardized framework, so working on existing occupied interiors is painful lol, without touching vanilla at least.


I will revisit this system later, and try to find a better way to provide more immersive spawns when an area is cleared.

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