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Unable to convert BSShaderPPLightingProperty


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I'm learning how to import meshes, edit them, then add them to skyrim, but after prepping my Nif. for import via NifSkope, Importing to blender, editing, then exporting back to nifskope, i'm having an issue regarding the need for a BSShaderLightingProperty, but instead, i have a BSShaderPPLightingProperty and i find myself unable to convert it to the latter, though it clearly shows it's possible in the video i'm watching.
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Open an original NIF file from the game, select BSShaderPPLightingProperty and right click, copy branch or just press CTRL+C, change to your NIF and paste branch or CTRL+V, select the container you want to attach it, select it, srcoll down to PROPERTIES and enter the value on the left side of the BSShaderPPLightingProperty entry to get it in, delete those properties that are thrown out of the block.
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Now i'm facing another problem regarding how the texture appears on the model and how the lights reflect of it. In nifskope, it's perfectly fine, right set up and everything, but in the CK, the model loads fine, but the texture appears VERY dark, though not entirely black. I can barely make out some details, which leads me to think that the lighting is somehow perceiving it as dark or that the diffuse isn't showing up at all and the normal is only being reflected.
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Okay, i managed to fix that problem by deleting the vertex color modifier in the shaders, but now, after getting past the CK, i start skyrim, equip my armor (Just a simple cowl), but my hood and head our nowhere to be seen, equipping the armor rending my head invisible. Somehow this strikes me as a simple error to fix, but i don't know the way to do it. Is it a nifskope problem or a CK issue?
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The nightingale's cowl didn't seem to be set up with a body part and doesn't appear to show any skin ingame, so it's possible that i thought i didn't need to set a partition for it when i removed the mask and eyecover. I'm going to check with Sicarius's armor mod that has a maskless cowl to see the partitions.
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