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Custom creatures from 3dsmax into skyrim


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Hello guys..i need help badly..i made an Orca in 3dsmax and zbrush and now i want to put it into skyrim.i imported the slaughter fish nif into max and placed my orca onto it deleted the slaughter fish and skinned my orca(some bones stayed unassigned)but i have no idea at all how to continue..can some one provide me a tut to replace models of monsters/mobs/npc yea im new here :) thanks


herrs a shot http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/395/clayorcacopy.png


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Edited by elfalcon15
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lol, you're going to put that model into a game? that's going to be at least 100k polygons, you need to reduce that down to actual game specs.


man..idont understand the point of this post..do you think that im so stupid and dumbass that iwill insert a 250k poly model into a game?.are you trying to annoy me?..for the game i exported a 10k poly mes and a lower poly version if something oges wrong 3k poly..ialso made a normal map...think twice before trying to make someone an idiot ok?

if im new here it doesent mean that ihad no experience in modelling or creating game content..im actually making a game in UDK...omg

Edited by elfalcon15
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lol, you're going to put that model into a game? that's going to be at least 100k polygons, you need to reduce that down to actual game specs.


man..idont understand the point of this post..do you think that im so stupid and dumbass that iwill insert a 250k poly model into a game?.are you trying to annoy me?..for the game i exported a 10k poly mes and a lower poly version if something oges wrong 3k poly..ialso made a normal map...think twice before trying to make someone an idiot ok?

if im new here it doesent mean that ihad no experience in modelling or creating game content..im actually making a game in UDK...omg



woah there guy.


you showed a picture, said you were putting it into skyrim. logical conclusion was "that needs to be fixed". now, i wasn't trying to offend you or anything, so i'm sorry if i have. but your presentation led to that conclusion. so look inwardly before you start throwing fireworks.

good luck on your game.

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Dolphins and fishes skeletons aren't really the same at the back end, imo you could use the slaughter fish skeleton, which would make the process a whole lot more feasible, but you'd have to make some new animations off that.. basically the tail would move side to side instead of up and down if you don't. One step at a time I suppose. Once you get it exported and set up in game, then you can go back and make a rig and do some new animations.
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Well, He's just trying to warn you. Believe it or not, there is a sword mod you can download for skyrim, the .nif file is 256mb.


This file was from a guy that wanted his sword "fixed"...reduced polygons as well, his model had 1m+

But there are weapons around with a high polygon count that seem to work without problems, the flintlock pistol for example is close to 100k polygons :biggrin:

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