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This is a tricky one indeed. CBBE has more compatible armor variety while UNP has a bit more realism to it and better textures. Good thing is you can always swap between these if you find an armor that is really amazing and only available for one of these mods


I chose UNP in the end though.

Edited by asuraz
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I Voted for UNPB i have played CBBE as well but the tits on UNPB bounces way better. and yes there is more choice in CBBE regarding outfits but luckily my on is availably in both of them. secondly the graphics on the UNPB is well better than CBBE as mentioned they look like Barbi dolls in CBBE.




Edited by Nico1968
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UNP has way better breast-waist-hip line (it's high-poly model, so it's destined to have natural looking lines). While UNP's pelvis line falls off naturally, CBBE's doesn't. I also prefer thigh, hips and breast shapes of UNP. CBBE's thigh shapes looks like male thigh and hips and breasts shapes are so unrealistic. Their shape look like upside down bowls. I'm not saying UNP is very realistic but it's visually more appealing to me.




I've been using UNP since the day 1 of its release :)

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UNP user here. The body shape is much more realistic. And I`m not interested in having my warriors have bouncy b00bs. There are...other sources for that sort of enjoyment. :P

Am looking forward to Calypses upcoming body mod, should he choose to release it.



What would be interesting is voting based on gender. Which one is more preferred by female, and which by male players... ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heya Guys.


Well as a girl, I can tell you all that I really don't like your opinions you all have made concerning us girls and how we should look in a game. (Skip to the bottom if you don't like how us women b-word).


Much of the opinions I have seen from guys who like Caliente's mod is centered solely on the fact they like assortment of outfits, which really just satisfies the UNP camp's opinion about the mod being for barbie dolls and I must say the maker of the mod isn't really knowledgeable (Caliente himself) on how to get the mod to work with the most recent adaptions to facial morph designs.


Meanwhile, much of the men here who like UNP say it is more realist, hinting the smaller boobs. However, both Caliente and UNP both come in slim and bust proportions. Thus nullifying their stances.



However, even though a good number of women don't come in large bust sizes, much of the UNP models look like supermodels, which are not realistic since supermodels must go through abnormal conditions to achieve that kind of figure.


We are often not that skinny and we are not suppose to be. It is very unhealthy given our bodies are designed intentionally by our evolution to carry more weight. You know for having children. Being too scrawny makes it less likely to deliver a healthy child, which is why 90% of women around the world are not developed prematurely or skinny. Not just in the United States in which there is a heavy obessity problem, but also world wide in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. I might have to explain exactly what I meant there, since most of us and I am talking about girls too would probably have a racial connotation of Asians being skinny usually; however this is usually not true. The average Chinese girl for instance could easily be 40 to 50 pounds over the medical induced level of "ideal" weight-height-built proportions. Which means even Asians regardless of how they are intentionally displayed to fool us like we show our models for the same reasons are normally overweight.


However, even the means we detail someone to be overweight could be wrong, since it is scientifically founded to be a dire inaccuracy or health concern to place women having a normal weight that still presents issues at delivering children who are at great health risk due to their lack of development, lack nutrients they are deceiving.


You know, you guys are breadwinners. You are suppose to be better than this. You are the ones we women have given power to intrust and insure the survival of this species. Which means you should have the honor in promoting our survival as intended, not morph us into something so obscure and ridiculous.


Now with that aside that we can remove the "realism" argument like water under the bridge. A problem still stands on the lack of acceptance at women with great proportions.


I know you guys should know this, but a woman who has been well feed (not over feed) will have sizable proportions like Caliente's Big Bottom Mod. For instance, I consider myself well-suited. I don't have a noticeable gut line and I tend to be considered on the scrawny side to most girls I know of. Yet it isn't uncommon so long as we are well fed during our development to have boobs you would call "HUGE" or "FAKE." It just happens when a girl eats enough vegetables, dairy, and meat as well as all the minerals, vitamins, and proteins of the sort that are needed to develop in the ideal form our genes will allow. We are not fat when we have large breast, we are just well developed. It is human development from childhood to adult done right as evolution has intended.


After all, let me ask you guys something. You know what evolution is right? How about sexual selection? If men had a choice in sexual selection, which I know is the basis of argument you make between these mods, then between a well-developed girl with D cups and a less-developed girl with A cups, which do you think will get knocked up? The girl with the D cups yes? Well her genes will pass on to the next generation and so forth, creating more women with D cups, because it is sexual selection. Girls with D cups are more likely to get a mate over a girl with A cups.


So let me ask you this now, given the process of natural selection. Wouldn't you agree given the long time our civilization has been around and evolution would occur that we would naturally have more women with larger breast just do that fact it self? So... isn't it agreeable that perhaps women without sizable breast may in fact be a minority or those who could had larger breast but may had lived an under-nourished childhood? I mean yes it is true not all women due to mutations and maybe certain "fetishes" and societal limitations may not have the opportunity to be so developed. Yet with a population growing under a heavier meat-eating capacity, which has generated larger people as noted in Japan it self (where the height of the average male has gone up by six inches and female by four inches), which is notable no different the quantity of food we had eaten (heavily in protein) since our caveman days that perhaps we are just turning into what we are suppose to look like rather than how we had artificially established ourselves before with this sudden and unexplainable phenomenon called civilization.


If you don't agree, well I am a woman who is telling you that you are wrong. Women know more about ourselves, therefore I am more right. Anyhow, it shouldn't amuse you to know that under-developed women should not be attractive to you. If they are, then there is something wrong with you. Your intended sexual selection process apparently appears corrupted since under-developed women have very little in difference to children.





Nevertheless, when concerning these two mods. There is no difference. Both come in small and large breast as well as butts. Both are highly unrealistic looking. There are skin and skeleton mods that change the notable appearances to make them more realistic looking. The only difference is what other mods work with them. That is all. If you have a preference it is either due to that or due to what I notably stated above in the spoiler. If you don't have the stomach to read it, then just note that people sometimes say the darn most strangest things for why they like or dislike something, (e.i. CBBE = Barbie Dolls, UNP, Non-Blessed = Children). These are just ridiculous assertions made by ACTUAL children who really don't know no difference between how they behave. I suggest there should perhaps be a requirement for Americans at least, since I am so surprised it hasn't yet been done in the UK, AUS, CAN, or Europe which are suppose to be so far more progressive, in having children required to attend psychiatric visits to maintain their level of psychological health. Anyhow, if you want so called "unrealistic" boobs for UNP, just go check out UNP Blessed body just so you can know just how ridiculous this argument actually has been between the CBBE and UNP camps. At least from the prospective of the pro-UNP camp being so vicious towards the pro-CBBE camp.


Personally, I would prefer having a mod that can allow both and outfits that go with both.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to agree with a lot of people. The only reason I stick with CBBE is the extra mods it has to it. The neck seem fix. The amount of armor mods even if I don't use them all. I will be honest I looked at the UNP and really considered it. I have used CBBE from the beginning. I know women who are natural that look fairly similar to the CBBE body and I know a lot more that are like the UNP. However, I will agree with a few posts. The vanilla body isn't all that bad where Oblivion bodies were terrible.


I would like to see a lot more armor that is more tasteful with either body. I can't stand the nude armors or the armor/clothing that is just covering above the breast. I like it the other way. I love the bar made outfit for that very reason. Yet, I do like lore/world friendly outfits. It is suppose to be really cold. You can't get away wearing such little clothing. They would freeze to death.


Also, one thing about the CBBE is it gives you three different bodies. They do that to stop every female from having the same type. I know small women and I know big breasted with a nice but. I know women who are very large and wouldn't fit through the doors in skyrim. So the debate about realistic is a bit much. It depends on the women around you if you think it is real. If you think they are unreal. You need to get out more. The problem is they only feature women of say maybe 5%. Women don't come in all one shape or size. It is the reason I love women. There is so much to them.

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@ ElvenHeroine



That just depends on where your from. I am from the Detroit area and the women here are often at least a C cup. It could be a northern thing, but our women are mostly natural. It isn't to say you won't find fake, but there are more natural then fake. However, if you look at the women. There are far more different sizes and shapes. I have seen women that are heavy on top and no but. Then I have seen women with a big bottom, but nothing above. I have worked with women who look exactly like the CBBE Cali body and isn't fake. I did try to get with her, but she wasn't having it. My wife is big breasted and has a big bottom can't stand tiny. She sees flat or A cup to be abnormal. So it just depends on where your from. Skyrim is in the North much like say Detroit or Canada. It depends on the food supply, fitness plan (if any), and genetics.

Edited by ManiusCaesar
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