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When looking at this sort of argument, perhaps two things have to be taken into account:

One is compatibility. I use CBBE because there seems to be more mods that jive with it that I like to use.

It's also reaching a greater number of different play styles. UNP boasts realism, but CBBE seems to have everything else.

The second point has to do with support. Thankfully, many new pieces of armour are created for both mods. Good.

Although I use CBBE. I do not want UNP to disappear, but get better. I want BOTH of them to get better.

As far as my vote is concerned, I'm a big fan of Heavy Metal. CBBE does HM women perfectly. I'm currently

mix-matching armour pieces to reproduce Taarna. Someone actually did a mod for that in Oblivion.


Kudos to both body mod platforms and keep up the good work!

Kroliss the Destroyer

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CBBE. I prefer the shape of the hips, waist, thighs on that mod.

I use CBBE + http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13180

Then http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6554 for the Skin texture.


The UNP mod just doesnt look that realistic to me. Hips are a bit narrow.

I like the women to be less like Fashion models(narrow hips) and more curvier like Kate Upton.

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I greatly prefer CBBE over UNP. To me, when I look at UNP, I see everything that was wrong with how anorexic women were idealized. Too skinny with bony hips. When I went looking at armor mods for UNP, a lot of them have low-riding thongs half-way up the butt crack. I do not find this attractive at all. I can't help but say out loud "someone please give that woman a sandwich, her bones are sticking out of her skin!". To compound matters, there are a lot of armor mods available for CBBE. I see a lot of posts about how unrealistic CBBE is, but you are fighting dragons and casting magic. I grew up reading sword and sorcery comics. For me, I like to relive that in Skyrim. CBBE and the mods out there make that a viable option. If I wanted to relive anorexic bulimic models with their bony hips, I know what mod to get though.
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I'm currently a fan of CBBE and have been since it came out.


UNP is good too, but lacks the same level of mod support as yet. Also the skinnier look is fine, but we're talking about mostly Nords here, they're big people so CBBE sort of fits.


Overall its down to level of mod support, thats generally what eventually slides whichever body mod ends up being the most commonly used one into place over time.


To be honest I like them both, and I respect the amount of work put into both projects, Caliente has gone out of their way to make all kinds of utilities to make the body mesh as adaptable as possible.

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I think UNP looks more realistic, the vag looks insanely realistic, but the breasts were a little small IMO, so I fixed that part by downloading the UNP Blessed Body file from the Adult toys mod, which made the breasts bigger, now I think it's perfect LoL
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I like them both quite a bit and I intend to use both of them in my game, they just have different shapes. It is also worth mentioning that CBBE Vanilla is very different from Curvy/Slim.


I think UNP's hip shape is a bit more realistic (it is closer to Vanilla) and I'm not into the ZOMGHUGE boobs that a lot of people put on CBBE models. However, CBBE's big point in its favor is BodySlide. You can make VERY differently-shaped models using BodySlide. And while BodySlide is made to work with any model, and there is a UNP mod for it, it has relatively few slider options compared to the CBBE body.


Personally I intend to grab every model I can and try to incorporate them into my game. Variety is the spice of life and all that ;)

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The UNP mod just doesnt look that realistic to me. Hips are a bit narrow.

I like the women to be less like Fashion models(narrow hips) and more curvier like Kate Upton.

What you like and what is realistic aren't necessarily the same thing, hehe.

UNPs hips are perfectly realistic. CBBEs are wider and more smoothly curved, but UNPs are hardly narrow.

Now RFBS.. THAT has narrow hips.



what is rfbs the blessed body of calyps?

No, I think Blessed is just the UNP body with enlarged boobs all across the weight range.

The RFBS body is all new I believe. If you look carefully you'll see it has much narrower hips and slightly slimmer mid and upper torso, with thicker more muscular thighs. It seems appropriate for women who seem like they're a little heavy on testosterone ;) Lol. Not meant as a slight, though -- it would be great for someone you imagine as a very strong, somewhat masculine warrior woman. If I could individualize I'd put it on, say, Iona, or Aela.

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