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Way to convert Heavy Armor to Light?


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  • 1 year later...


I wanna ask a question about this post maybe somone can answer it.

All the conversion method are similar when u convert light armor to heavy, cuz i try it many times and its didint work for me.

The problem is when i try to convert a custom armor(light) to heavy the item is in the game i make the recipes to etc but the meshez dosnt show up. I try to changeing the nif files to in nifskope but still nothing, addig cutom textures for items and nothing happens, and i dint finde any intrudution about this, allways just how to convert heavy to light, but i want to do the reverse of this. I will ty if somone will answer this question what or why and where etc. And sorry for my bad english !

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  • 4 months later...

I'm looking for the same info. I have the same problem. I'm trying to convert the Diano Armor to light and when I use the creation kit as described, the textures don't show up. Don't know if the meshes are there either...?

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I'm looking for the same info. I have the same problem. I'm trying to convert the Diano Armor to light and when I use the creation kit as described, the textures don't show up. Don't know if the meshes are there either...?

Are you sure the mod works without any changes?

If so, did you remove the mod after changing the esp file, thus the textures and meshes needed?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I dont know for sure if people still read this, but im having a problem with the Ancient Helmet of the Unburned. I want to change it into a Light Helmet, but the CK wont let me. The option to convert it into Light Armor is grey and I cant click on it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Ps. I can change the armor type of Ebony Armor for example, so it is probably the fault of my helmet. Thanks!

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  • 4 months later...

I followed his directions perfectly, but in-game it hasn't changed. I am trying to change an armor from a mod from light to heavy, and when I reload the CK it says heavy, but in-game it's still light. I pull it up in the console and there is no DUPLICATE001 (the CK made a duplicate and renamed it DUPLICATE### after it's normal name).

Edited by TheWickedGamer
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There is always the option to do "Primitive" modding. You need loose files for this.


You can substitute a mesh you like as long as you also have the texture file for it. The mesh will read its own texture file.


For example, in my game I don't like Dragonscale Armor. So, I used a different mesh, Sovngaard. I copied the meshes from the Sovngaard folder and them renamed them to exactly the same filenames as those in the dragonscale mesh folder. (after making a backup of the originals). You don't have to change any texture files as long as the Sovngaard texture folder remains in your game.


I replaced the old files with the ones I had renamed. So.. now in my game Dragonscale looks like Sovngaard armor and still has its light armor rating, stats, and the same craft reqs. Only the visual has changed.


This was visual "Modding" in 1998, when you had to fool a game into thinking you hadn't changed things statwise. I'm showing my age here lol. Same rules apply now as then, backup, backup and make sure to backup.


My game is extensively changed using this method. After unpacking the default weapons meshes I've removed every original Draugr, Daedric, Orc, Glass, and "bleh" unique weapon from my game and replaced them with meshes that aren't cow tools. Heh, default steel sword was the first to go. This allowed me to use standalones like Insanitys cyrodil pack as replacers.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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I see this is your first post, welcome to the nexus.


This is simple, in fact i bet it takes longer for the Creation Kit to load than it will take you to make this small tweak.


Here's what you do;


1. Install & Run the CK

2. In the upper-left corner, click "file", then select "data" from the dropdown

3. Double-click "skyrim.esm" ( you will now see an x it the box next to it), then do the same for the mod you wish to edit. Hit the button "set as active file" then ok. The CK will take a few minutes to load, when the error messages pop up just hit "yes to all"

4. In the "object window", you will see a list of all the different types of things in the game, go to "items" and expand the item options

5. in the tree under items, click on "armor". in the box to the right you will now see a list of every armor in the game. Find the one you want (note; everything is listed alphabetically by editor id, which is probably not the same as the in-game name, but anything added by the mod will have an * next to it)

6. double-click on the armor you want and a rather intimidating-looking window will pop up, but don't worry, ours is a simple edit. Find the box that says "heavy", hit the little dropdown arrow next to it, and select "light". Now hit ok at the bottom of the window.

7. now back to the "file"button, but this time select "save"

8. close the CK, your changes will now appear in-game


It may not make a difference, but i would recommend unequipping the armor and saving the game before editing.


Important: you will no doubt want to browse thru the CK to see what else you can do, but resist the temptation while you have a mod set to active file. Come back in after with only the Skyrim.esm selected, you can't change it with the CK. All your changes are saved as .esp files.


You have just taken your first baby step into modding.


Thank you for this complete tutorial you made my day +rep

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