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NMM update messed me up...again


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it seems like every time there is an update, some crippling weird effect ruins my games. this time, my character is now naked visually (though wearing his armor in the item menu) and only has a weight allowance of 200. no other items i wear visually apply. is my character ruined? is this something i can fix? everytime a new version of NMM comes out i resist updating it, as some game stopping problem always seems to occur. does anyone have any idea how to fix this? or am i screwed?
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probably your mods fault, NMM does not directly influence your game, but your mods do. Where is your skyrim install directory? That might be affecting it.



it was NMM. it was reversing all mod load order for some reason. i had to uninstall NMM and readd it. now its working fine.

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Actually was the contrary, the new patch was what messed your load order, and will happen every time you reorganize the load order from either Wrye's Bash, BOSS or NMM until they have time to update, and even then avoid using that non blessed "official" launcher, don't even think in clicking that "Data Files" option or all dogs in the world will come after you...


OK, I'm exaggerating but less than you may believe :)


Edit to complement: At some point you'll have to choose the WS way to do things or the "Community way", for me the choice was made long before the newbie came around, and they(WS) still did not get the whole extent of what they got into, mods conflicts wise.

Edited by nosisab
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