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Lost save game!


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:( Can anybody help me out?! My computer messed up recently and I had to format the lot meaning I lost my morrowind save. I desperately want to get back into morrowind but don't want to start it all again :help: Is there anybody who is near the part where you become a hortator who could send me their save game please? I even had glass armour *cries some more

Many thanks

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I'd be happy to send you a "Save" of my current PC... if you want.


He's a level 20 something Dark Elf and I haven't even really touched the MQ yet as I've mainly been doing Temple quests. If you want some more detail PM me and we'll figure something out.

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Unfortunately It wasn't just a case of formatting my hard disk, I had to buy a new one. I was a level 22 dark elven archer. I never really got into the guilds much, I did a few theives ones though. I mostly just went for the mq and quite a bit of exploring. Anything would be better than having to do the whole lot again I spent hours getting to where I did.
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