vvalentine73 Posted August 28, 2017 Share Posted August 28, 2017 Hey everyone! I've just started modding, I'm at the noobest level so help me out here with some knowledge. So I've created myself a follower but I want it to have custom, unique animations, much like the player has it for itself via PCEA2. I have done the following steps to try and make it work: - Create a custom race- Edit the defaultmale.hkt file (via PCEA) to set destination to animation folder which has my selected animationsâ- Enable the custom race to use that hkt file via CK Now this works partially, I've set Beasty Greatsword animation for 2H power attacks, works fine. Sneaks from Pretty Combat, works fine. Some work, some don't. What am I doing wrong? The Race window in CK has "Behavior Graph", which file should I upload there? Very confusing, please help me out guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeterMartyr Posted August 28, 2017 Share Posted August 28, 2017 Very Possible I done it. (Unreleased) Here my script but please be aware it's 25% work, you still have to make independent FEAM Follower Exclusive Animation Mod, Mine has 3 or 4 walks & Idles with 2 sneaks walk & Mt Idles, + Combat, mainly Frostfall Archery & 0ne Handed stuff. It better to apply alternate animation to the Actor, not the Race. Just Sayin ; Written by PeterMartyr for PoupaAA.esp Scriptname PoupAAnimationScript extends Quest Conditional {Poupa Exclusive Alternate Animation Code} ; Requires FNIS 6 or Greater ; Is SE compatible [YES] ;=========Custom Follower Alternate Animation_Mk3============= ;/******************************************* * FNISS_AA_Base = new Elements[14] * FNISS_AA_Base[0] = _sneakmt * FNISS_AA_Base[1] = _mt * FNISS_AA_Base[2] = _mtidle * FNISS_AA_Base[3] = _mtx * FNISS_AA_Base[4] = _sprint * FNISS_AA_Base[5] = _1hmidle * FNISS_AA_Base[6] = _sneakidle * FNISS_AA_Base[7] = _jump * FNISS_AA_Base[8] = _staffidle * FNISS_AA_Base[9] = _bowatk * FNISS_AA_Base[10] = _bowidle * FNISS_AA_Base[11] = _boweqp * FNISS_AA_Base[12] = _bowmt * FNISS_AA_Base[13] = _dw ********************************************/; Int Property nWalkingStlye = 0 Auto Conditional Hidden ; Four FNIS AA Prefixes Sets 0, 1, 2, 3. Bool Property bRandom = false Auto Conditional Hidden String Property sAAprefix = "Pou" AutoReadOnly Hidden String Property sModName = "PoupaAA" AutoReadOnly Hidden String[] Property sAnimGroup Auto ;String CK FNIS values matching Integer nAnimBase index values! Actor Property PoupaACT Auto Bool bStartUpStatus = false Int nAAModID Int nInstalled_CRC Int[] nAnimBase Event OnInit() utility.Wait(15) ;make sure poupa installed first debug.Notification("[PoupAA] Checking Minimum Requirements") nAnimBase = new Int[14] If(self.CheckRequirements()) self.SetUp() EndIf EndEvent Bool Function CheckRequirements() Bool bSkyrim = (StringUtil.SubString(Debug.GetVersionNumber(), 0, 3) as Float) >= 1.9 ; Remove this code for SE. SKSE!!! Bool bFNIS = (Game.GetModByName("FNIS.esp") < 255) Bool bVersionCompare = (FNIS.VersionCompare(6, 0, 0) >= 0) Bool bIsGenerated = FNIS.IsGenerated() If(!bSkyrim || !bFNIS || !bVersionCompare || !bIsGenerated) string Msg = "[PoupAA] You failed requirement check(s): \n" If(!bSkyrim) Msg += "\n*Skyrim is out dated, upgrade if legal?" ;for fnis(pity) sake. EndIf If(!bFNIS) Msg += "\n*FNIS.esp is not currently active" ; ... EndIf If(!bVersionCompare) string sVersion = FNIS.VersionToString() Msg += "\n*FNIS Version: " + sVersion + " is too old for Alternate Animation" ;VERY IMPORTANT EndIf If(!bIsGenerated) Msg += "\n*Your last FNIS generation failed" EndIf Msg += "\n\n- Please close the game without saving & fix." ; Be Safe Always ...] Debug.Messagebox(Msg) return false else return true EndIf EndFunction Function PlayerLoad() If(bStartUpStatus) Int nCRC_New = FNIS_aa.GetInstallationCRC() If(nCRC_New != nInstalled_CRC) nInstalled_CRC = nCRC_New debug.Notification("[PoupAA] New FNIS installation detected. Reinstalling.") self.SetUp() EndIf EndIf EndFunction Int Function GetAAgroupID(Int nIndex) Int[] nAAgroup = new Int[14] nAAgroup[0] = FNIS_aa._sneakmt() nAAgroup[1] = FNIS_aa._mt() nAAgroup[2] = FNIS_aa._mtidle() nAAgroup[3] = FNIS_aa._mtx() nAAgroup[4] = FNIS_aa._sprint() nAAgroup[5] = FNIS_aa._1hmidle() nAAgroup[6] = FNIS_aa._sneakidle() nAAgroup[7] = FNIS_aa._jump() nAAgroup[8] = FNIS_aa._staffidle() nAAgroup[9] = FNIS_aa._bowatk() nAAgroup[10] = FNIS_aa._bowidle() nAAgroup[11] = FNIS_aa._boweqp() nAAgroup[12] = FNIS_aa._bowmt() nAAgroup[13] = FNIS_aa._dw() return nAAgroup[nIndex] EndFunction Int Function GetGroupBaseValueID(int nAAgroup) return FNIS_aa.GetGroupBaseValue(nAAModID, nAAgroup, sModName) EndFunction Function SetUp() ;Register & Store my AA values If(!bStartUpStatus) bStartUpStatus = true debug.Notification("[PoupAA]: Passed... Installing.") else debug.Notification("[PoupAA]: Reacquiring FNIS_AA Base Values") EndIf nInstalled_CRC = FNIS_aa.GetInstallationCRC() nAAModID = FNIS_aa.GetAAModID(sAAprefix, sModName) Int nIndex = 14 While(nIndex > 0) nIndex -= 1 nAnimBase[nIndex] = GetGroupBaseValueID(GetAAgroupID(nIndex)) EndWhile If((PoupaACT as ObjectReference).Is3DLoaded()) self.RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) EndIf debug.Notification("[PoupAA]: Setup complete") EndFunction Bool Function ApplyAAGroupValue(string animGroup, int base , int number = 0) return FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(PoupaACT, animGroup, base, number, sModName) EndFunction Int Function GetIntValue_Ex() If(nWalkingStlye < 3) return 0 else return nWalkingStlye EndIf EndFunction Event OnUpdate() If(bStartUpStatus) If(bRandom) nWalkingStlye = utility.RandomInt(0, 3) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(12) EndIf Int nIndex = 14 Bool bOkay = true ; since default is false While(nIndex > 0 && bOkay) nIndex -= 1 If(nIndex > 4) bOkay = ApplyAAGroupValue(sAnimGroup[nIndex], nAnimBase[nIndex]) ElseIf(nIndex > 0) bOkay = ApplyAAGroupValue(sAnimGroup[nIndex], nAnimBase[nIndex], nWalkingStlye) else bOkay = ApplyAAGroupValue(sAnimGroup[nIndex], nAnimBase[nIndex], GetIntValue_Ex()) EndIf EndWhile If(!bOkay) String Msg = "[PoupAA] ERROR at applying Alternate Animation. \n\nFailed at Style: " + nWalkingStlye + " at the Index of " + nIndex + ", with " + sAnimGroup[nIndex] + " Animation Group Base." debug.TraceAndBox(Msg) ; [Notation] I never seen this message. Remove or change to Trace only for mod release. EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() self.RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) EndEvent Function WalkingStlye(Int nStlye ) nWalkingStlye = nStlye Self.RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.0) EndFunction Function RandomWalk(Bool bChoice) bRandom = bChoice Self.RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.0) EndFunction The above code works 100% via Dialogue options. Take look & compare it to yours. Obviously the Follower doesn't use the Game Skeleton, but has their own. I hope my use of arrays doesn't confuse you. There is also Player Alias for Player Load Game Maintenance, and Follower Alias which OnLoad, (cause when a NPC OffLoad, they lose their Alternate Animation), which reapply it to the actor. When I made it I had no idea, but I think my advantage was I could code, so it worked 1st pop has intended. My Fnis List Version V6.2 AnimVar PoupAAVar INT32 5555 AAprefix pou 'Pou0_<>.HKX AAset _mtidle 4 AAset _mt 4 AAset _1hmidle 1 AAset _mtx 4 AAset _sneakidle 1 AAset _sneakmt 2 AAset _sprint 4 AAset _jump 1 AAset _staffidle 1 AAset _dageqp 1 AAset _bowatk 1 AAset _bowidle 1 AAset _boweqp 1 AAset _bowmt 1 AAset _dw 1 It really not hard. Just make sure to read & re-read all the Documentation by Fore, it's all explain there, he is very helpful. So there no need for me to repeat it. Remember, you haven't failed, it just take baby steps keep trying. And it trust me it work in SSE. I tested it on the day Fore released FNIS 7 & told him so. Oh take look at Fore's Example of the Katana Script, it's in FNIS 6 User Package WTF I'll post it for ya, it's a public example anyway for Modders to help them, I sure Fore won't mind.(I hope) It doesn't use Arrays. ScriptName FNISACweaponScript extends ObjectReference ; This is an example script/mod which demonstrates how FNIS Alternate Animations can be used for a specific weapon only ; It was made for a katana to be used with ; Oriental Swordsmanship animation of East Asia by cyh0405 - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108 ; Whenever the katana is equipped, the Swordsmanship animations are loaded for the player, and unloaded on unequip. ; The script requires an animation sub folder with the animations, and a file list FNIS_<mod>_List.txt with the following lines: ; AAprefix fac ; AAset _2hmmt 1 ; AAset _2hmatk 1 ; AAset _2hmatkpow 1 actor player int FNISaa_crc int FNISaa_ModID int FNISBase_2hmmt int FNISBase_2hmatk int FNISBase_2hmatkpow int FNISValueOld_2hmmt int FNISValueOld_2hmatk int FNISValueOld_2hmatkpow Event OnInit() player = Game.GetPlayer() EndEvent Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) if ( akActor == player ) ;Menumode and 1st person: wait til menumode is left if Utility.IsInMenuMode() if ( player.GetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_crc") == 0 ) Utility.wait(0.01) endif endif Game.ForceThirdPerson() ;can't do anything if FNIS crc == 0 (FNIS generator has failed) int FNISaa_crcNew = FNIS_aa.GetInstallationCRC() if ( FNISaa_crcNew == 0 ) return endif ;crc has changed: mod ID and base values need to be re-read if ( FNISaa_crcNew != FNISaa_crc ) FNISaa_crc = FNISaa_crcNew FNISaa_ModID = FNIS_aa.GetAAmodID("fac", "FNISAlternateCombat", true) FNISBase_2hmmt = FNIS_aa.GetGroupBaseValue( FNISaa_ModID, FNIS_aa._2hmmt(), "FNISAlternateCombat", true) FNISBase_2hmatk = FNIS_aa.GetGroupBaseValue( FNISaa_ModID, FNIS_aa._2hmatk(), "FNISAlternateCombat", true) FNISBase_2hmatkpow = FNIS_aa.GetGroupBaseValue( FNISaa_ModID, FNIS_aa._2hmatkpow(), "FNISAlternateCombat", true) endif ;store the current AnimVar values FNISValueOld_2hmmt = player.GetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmmt") FNISValueOld_2hmatk = player.GetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmatk") FNISValueOld_2hmatkpow = player.GetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmatkpow") ;set katana specific AnimVar values bool result = FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(player, "_2hmmt", FNISBase_2hmmt, 0, "FNISAlternateCombat", true) result = result && FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(player, "_2hmatk", FNISBase_2hmatk, 0, "FNISAlternateCombat", true) result = result && FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroup(player, "_2hmatkpow", FNISBase_2hmatkpow, 0, "FNISAlternateCombat", true) if !result Debug.MessageBox("FNIS AA could not be activated for katana") endif Debug.Notification("Katana Animvars set") endif EndEvent Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor) if ( akActor == player ) ; reset only when setting has been successful if ( FNISaa_crc != 0 ) ;Menumode and 1st person: wait til menumode is left if Utility.IsInMenuMode() if ( player.GetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_crc") == 0 ) Utility.wait(0.01) endif endif Game.ForceThirdPerson() ;if crc has changed (different installation) the old values are invalid. Reset to vanilla if ( FNIS_aa.GetInstallationCRC() != FNISaa_crc ) FNISValueOld_2hmmt = 0 FNISValueOld_2hmatk = 0 FNISValueOld_2hmatkpow = 0 endif ;re-set the AnimVars (value before equip, or vanilla) player.SetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmmt", FNISValueOld_2hmmt) player.SetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmatk", FNISValueOld_2hmatk) player.SetAnimationVariableInt("FNISaa_2hmatkpow", FNISValueOld_2hmatkpow) Debug.Notification("Katana Animvars reset") endif endif EndEvent Now you have Two Examples. One applied to Sword, and one to an NPC Actor. Now do your Research correctly by reading FNIS_6.2_AlternateAnimations.txt or newer, found in the User FNIS Package & it will come together so fast your head will spin. Your Problems are from Poor Research, you don't understand the GIST of it correctly. Back to basic, learn how it works first, then ask for help. I am not here to teach you, but help you. Good Luck Noobie. I wish you the best. Remember an Actor is simply extending the ObjectReference Script. Yes I am still using 6.2 Deal... the script years old too. Feel free to any body to use "my code & publish," I really don't care.... there not a lot of examples of this stuff anyway, so glad I am showing it, & I hope it help those who need it. Fore Code belongs to Fore. I am just pushing it along. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vvalentine73 Posted August 28, 2017 Author Share Posted August 28, 2017 This is good stuff! Thanks man i'll definiteyl look into it. I tried the old PCEA way :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeterMartyr Posted August 28, 2017 Share Posted August 28, 2017 I know. But there better ways now, instead of hacking into that. Use FNIS Alternate Animation capabilities. & once again Good Luck mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoayGamingYT Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 Hi, I want to understand easy way about animation group. I'm not expert in scripting so I wish there's any simpler language The challenge is I want to create without using FNIS and SKSE. Recently I'm created new custom Animation for my pistol Mod. The Animation works, but cannot move...so this maybe the walk/run not set as Animation group. So I hope anyone can answer for my problems. Thx. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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