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Stuttering in first person


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Not sure if this is the correct place to post about this kind of stuff but I'll give it a go. I have really bad stuttering while in first person and I get some while in the third, while not as bad. I have no tried a lot of different 'fixes' and nothing seems to work. I have even emailed Bethesda for help and they gave me the basics fixed then said they didn't know what else to do. My specs are way above the recommended ones so I think it has something to do with game not my specs. Any advice would be great thanks

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it's most probably issue with nV drivers trying to overlap F4 settings, I had similar symptoms,

first things first,

if you installed nV experience - dump this s*** and preferably make clean driver re-install


create custom profile for "f4.exe" and set all relevant settings to app control and it should remove most of stuttering, can't remember now if you need to turn in-game v-sync on or off


edit: and in case of gaming monitor, run it in 60Hz refresh rate to play fallout

Edited by drach
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yep, it's in nV control panel -> 3D settings

there you'll find stuff like anisotropy, v-sync, anti-aliasing, sufficed to say set all to app controll that actually have app control in their drop-down menu, rest can remain at default

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Iâve been messing round with settings and nothing seemed to improve. Iâm starting to think maybe itâs just me lol (doubt that as girlfriend says it stutters a lot as well) I have even deleted all drivers and re-installed then play with both v-syncs off with a fps limiter and itâs still the same. Iâm not sure what else to try as I have tried every trick I can think off and anything that I have found online.
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disable god rays and volumetric lighting


its probably not the same issue, but i was getting severe frame drops in first person whilst aiming


doing the above completely eliminated all stutter/ frame drops


gtx 1070 + i7 7700k


if that fails, ensure that vsync is completely off in both nv panel and fallout 4 prefs, and make sure you have a framerate limiter, i recommend Msi afterburner, its free and is pretty solid in frame rate capping, plus its extremely useful for monitoring temps, cpu, gpu and ram usage.



Vsync Info




Disable Vsync in fallout 4



1.Open Fallout4prefs


2. Search for Ipresentinterval (and change the value to 0)


vsync does cause stuttering and input lag in my experience




Enb Method



if all else fails, download the enb series for fallout 4.


copy the 2 dll files, as well as enblocal.ini all to you fallout 4 launcher folder


open the enblocal file, locate --> UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics (change this value to true if not using an enb)


and then locate --> ForceVideoMemorySize (change this to true)


for VideoMemorySizeMb (change this value to 4096) as a start to see if that works if not keep multiplying this number until it does or altenatively also download the vramsizetest tool from the same site, click on dx11, and copy that value,


take away 170 (for windows 7)


or 350 (for windows 10)


from the number, and paste that into the VideoMemorySizeMb



and lastly, make sure you are playing in fullscreen mode, not windowed mode, as nvidia cards do not like windowed. again in my experience. very apparent in skyrim, where i would actually lose fps for being in windowed mode and stuttering


Note: i just re read your post after posting this and noticed you mentioned vsync so you can safely ignore that part.


Note: the enb method will most likely solve it assuming you have not tryed already, as this could very well be a memory issue (ie low memory)

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