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Stuttering in first person


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hmm, so we know it has a high potential of being distance based. honestly no idea about 4k monitors, as i play 1080p atm until i get a 2k 120hz monitor


try framerate locking to 59 fps. not 60, (also try different methods of framerate locking, enb, msi afterburner and any other you can think of) it could even be program based, strongly recommend msi afterburner first, as i currently use it, and it works perfectly, enb's framerate limiter in the past did not seem to work for me though.


and also try disabling frame rate limiting altogether, this will however give you screen tearing, assuming your monitor is 60hz, it will be good to know if its your fps that is causing stuttering


see the issue is that the 1080 is a monstrous card, and will be pushing out much more fps then a 60hz monitor can handle, this will equate to either stuttering or screen tearing, and even both, i know because (my 1070 which is also a beastly card, is currently pushing out 115 fps and my monitor is also 60hz and thus i am suffering from extreme screen tearing (absolutely no stuttering though), however i refuse to use vsync, since i cannot stand input lag, i choose screen tearing over input lag any day even though they are both very terrible. so ican only assume yours will be pushing out much higher fps especially on an unmodded game. although you are on a 4k resolution so not sure how much better the fps will be compared to mine. or even worse XD


what it could also be is your gpu is being underused, it wants to be pushed hard. see the thing is, higher fov tend to lower fps, as you are now seeing a lot more things at a much further distance. and because you mentioned it did help with stuttering, it seems that the more pressure on the gpu, the more smoother the game play will be


case in point, try an enb. see if that helps. an actual enb not just enboost.


something like "grimwolf's institute asd" (here on the nexus) the one i am currently using, looks lovely, and will be more hungry then vanilla. you will also want true storms to go with it, for epic weathers and its what this enb is optimized around.


these will put more stress on the gpu, and will be interesting to know if this effects your stuttering

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I have tried all the things you have said about about, I don't think it is anything to do with apart from the game engine. I think there something up wih, which causes my person and the ground to de-sync as this only happens when sprint and running over a pot hole or running over uneven. This is seen as i can use the tcl to make it work. There must be something to do with the collision in game, I just can't get my head round how to fix it tho. It seems like maybe its the coding in the game maybe. :dry:

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i honestly have no idea then, but the solution is very likely ini tweaking. last thing you can try is fallout 4 configuration tool, for ini tweaking and optimization




if that fails, then the only other thing would be the 4k resolution


the 1080 is not good enough for 4k resolution gaming. only the 1080ti (which is on a whole different level)


have you tried forcing 1080p, pretty sure you can do this on 4k monitors


even if your getting 60fps@ 4k that does not necessarily mean the gpu can handle that, it really sounds like the 4k is causing stuttering


since people mainly sli 1080s for 4k gaming, that or they use 1080ti, or the new titan x


according to benchmarks, the 1080 on fallout 4 @4k max settings only achieves 57fps


which means the 1080 is struggling to achieve and keep that 60 fps, which would then make the stuttering be a very obvious thing that would occur

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