NathanTheCreator111 Posted August 30, 2017 Author Share Posted August 30, 2017 Yeah I have tried that ebb before but it didnât do much. I will have another go. I thought it might be something to do with game engine but I obviously might be wrong lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roentgens Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 Sorry must make another post, incase you don't see an edit: Tapioks has a very useful guide on determining VRAM settings for ENB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted3082751User Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 (edited) you could also try deleting the fallout4.ini and fallout4pref.ini files C:\Users\Your Computer Name\ Documents\ My Games\ Fallout4 just incase they will both be re-created upon launching the launcher again. Edited August 30, 2017 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NathanTheCreator111 Posted August 30, 2017 Author Share Posted August 30, 2017 I will try the enb. Iâm thinking I might have to go back to windows 7 as I feel it could be windows 10. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jones177 Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 Hi Use Fallout Performance Monitor to see what is causing the Stutter. With my i7 6700k/2x980ti/4k rig I got I/0 stutter. It was fixed with ini tweaks. CPU, GPU and vram did not peak when the stutter occurred, only the I/O. This is what I added to the Fallout4.ini uInterior Cell Buffer=12uExterior Cell Buffer=144iPreloadSizeLimit=262144000 Saves over Level 25 were not playable without these lines. My i7 2600k/1080/3440x1440 rig gets stutter from the drivers. Adaptive vsync fixed it(for now). The FPM graphs showed nothing so in most cases it is the drivers. I can still get stutter sometimes in Interiors but saving, rebooting and reloading fixes it. Finding the cause will get you closer to a solution. Later Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NathanTheCreator111 Posted August 31, 2017 Author Share Posted August 31, 2017 (edited) Hi againàI have tried each method you guys have said and still nothing. The enb boost didnt really help me, it just stayed the same. I downloaded fallout performace monitor and I wasnât sure what to look out for. I'm starting to worry as no fix is working, or it might be me being stupid. Sorry for late reply been playing games with friends and havent had time to do testing. Edit: anything I have done hasnât even made the stutter better, itâs just like it doesnât change whatever I do. Edited August 31, 2017 by NathanTheCreator111 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted3082751User Posted August 31, 2017 Share Posted August 31, 2017 (edited) do u have 1 gpu or 2 i ask this because if you have 2 and are running in sli, this can cause microstuttering, judging by the information given, this seems like an hardware issue, or even a windows issue, windows 7 is really the last straw, to ensure that this is not a windows issue. since you have no mods installed, that would have most likely been the culprit, especially texture mods if multiple are used, or badly made. i can only assume that it may even be throttling. but either way this is seeming more of an hardware issue. which then become serious. if it is hardware based, their is a probability that it is memory based, more specifically, over clocked and fried chips or just fried chips in general (this is clearly not a definite but very possible to cause the issues you are currently getting, however if your memory chips were fried, stuttering would be the least of your worries, you would get bsod and crashing and freezing, but i only mention this as a possibility as you would certainly get stuttering, but also much worse depending on the severity of the ram) , this can either be ram or vram is fallout 4 the only game you are experiencing stuttering, if so could you list what other games you play, just to get more of an insight into what may be the issue. also do you have loads of programs installed or minimal. their really is a lot of potential reasons. but the 3 main ones would be, Hardware (more specifically ram or vram for this issue) Mods, and windows services and or programs. Continued Reveal hidden contents windows 10 is a very bad resource hog, which is why i strongly suggest testing in windows 7, which is far more streamlined Simply Put windows 7 = gaming Windows 10 = Productivity both excel at their only tasks. but not each others. simply because of the fact that windows 7 has much less stuff then windows 10 hence the ideal gaming os, hardcore gamers require the bare minimum for optimal gaming performance. almost anything in windows 10 would be redundant here. and in fact eliminate optimal performance. windows 10 is not a gaming os regardless of windows might say, their very gaming optimization only applies to xbox not pc games xD then also notice their is far more windows services in windows 10 all of which are taking up resources. 90% of which you will most likely never need or use. cleaning the computer and only having the stuff you need is the best and optimal way to run a computer, never have more then you need. your hardware regardless of what it is, will always be limited to the engine (or code that it is communicating with). be it game engines, windows etc etc. it don't matter. its the engine job to correctly and optimally speak to the hardware and vice versa, if their are hiccups, your performance takes a hit regardless of how powerful it is. getting rid of unwanted or unneeded programs and services, eliminates obstacles in the path of your hardware and engine communication, thus gaining optimal performance :tongue: and eliminating potential issues, such as stuttering, freezing and crashing. out of curiosity, did you download and run CCleaner. both normal clean and registry clean, also make sure you are deleting unneeded programs as well, especially the crap that windows 10 ships with Windows 7 Reveal hidden contents For testing in windows 7, it will be mandatory that you have all windows 7 updates before testing games, because windows 7 from the get go does suffer from memory leaks, which was fixed in their later updates, so yea, 1. make sure you only have Steam, Ethernet Driver, Mouse Driver, Ccleaner, Video Card Driver and Fallout 4, and Of course all Windows 7 Updates 2. Do not install anything else, as we want to do an optimal test. very first thing is to install, mouse driver, ethernet driver, Graphics card driver, Windows updates and then ccleaner, in that order 3. run ccleaner and do both a normal scan and a registry scan, then after that is finished, set up your power options to high performance, (can do either 1 before or after it dont matter) 3. Lastly once everything is setup, and you have all windows 7 drivers then you finally Test the game, with absolutely no mods, enb, or reshade. 4. if after all of this, the stuttering is still apparent, then this will most definitely be a hardware issue, maybe even a monitor issue, since this could very well be a monitor syncing issue with the graphics card. Lastly, disable you on board graphics card, just to make sure you are definitely not using it. can be done in the bios, all newer and some older Intel cpu's have inbuilt Graphics which are ovbiously very inferior compared to latest dedicated graphics card, all pascal, maxwell, gpu for example. Edited August 31, 2017 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drach Posted August 31, 2017 Share Posted August 31, 2017 (edited) and how would you run those games on win 7?modern PC has no support for w7 and no drivers to speak of, which makes poor OS choice for a player,only retro PC might still run W7, but given m$ policy that would change in near future, new titiles shall not run on non win10 systemsad but true Edited August 31, 2017 by drach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted3082751User Posted August 31, 2017 Share Posted August 31, 2017 (edited) On 8/31/2017 at 9:08 AM, drach said: and how would you run those games on win 7?modern PC has no support for w7 and no drivers to speak of, which makes poor OS choice for a player,only retro PC might still run W7, but given m$ policy that would change in near future, new titiles shall not run on non win10 systemsad but truewell for a start only dx12 games dont work on windows 7, and they are few and far between. modern pcs do in fact have support for windows 7, their just harder to get. i have a z270 board with an i7 7700k, and am currently on windows 7. which is still pretty relevant to being the latest hardware. msi have released drivers for their z270 boards, so its up to other manufactures to follow, granted they were recent but still they work. the only thing is you need to jump through a few hoops to get modern hardware to work. once done, the system is far superior then windows 10 simple as that. research is what you need to do. for me, though i play few games, and am not interested in 90% of these games coming out, and thus all the games i enjoy all work very well on windows 7 not only that but graphics drivers will most likely always support windows 7., granted when dx12 becomes the new standard that will most likely change but their is still many years before that happens.this will also be when 4k becomes standard so yea long way. however you are missing the point of the post, its not a debate its aimed directly at the op, so they will no for sure or at least cut down a lot of potential causes for stuttering. since the op has an i7 7700k also, that also means they have a z270 board, which means their board manufacturer should of released windows 7 drivers. Edited August 31, 2017 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NathanTheCreator111 Posted August 31, 2017 Author Share Posted August 31, 2017 I donât think it is hardware as I played it on my fathers pc and the stutter was still there. Fallout is the only game I get stutter. Even the old fallouts run perfect and skyrim se runs like butter. I just have games installed. I have no other programs installed really, nothing that would impact it. I did run cclear and did what you said. I have got rid of mostly all windows programs, Iâm not sure if itâs a v-ram problem, itâs possibly could be but when look at my graph itâs seem to be using it well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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