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Why don't some of any of the best weapon mod makers reach out to the ModernFirearms team to ask if they can refine on of their guns?


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I was watching a YouTube video about the M249 and I thought it would be cool to have in Fallout.

Then I remembered that ModernFirearms has one, with a wide range of modifications.

So I though "Why wouldn't someone take one of the weapons from the mod and just refine them by balancing it and adding animations?"



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Because the assets belong to someone else

That's what I was saying. Why don't they ask the devs of the mod for the assets. They will, of course, be credited.

It's a real shame to let that kind of quality go to waste. Most of the guns in that mod are super high quality. They just lack balance and animations...

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Because the assets belong to someone else

That's what I was saying. Why don't they ask the devs of the mod for the assets. They will, of course, be credited.

It's a real shame to let that kind of quality go to waste. Most of the guns in that mod are super high quality. They just lack balance and animations...



Again, not caring. Or you imagine mod makers just sit around all day waiting for mods ideas from users?

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The base idea is asset theft(if you want to call it that way) some of the assets that are used are from other games, taken without the consent of the original developers. Think of it this way, if some rich merchant sold stolen merchandise and offered or asked you if you could polish some stolen jewelry because you are a manufacturer of that sort of item, would you do it?


Idlesheep and his mod Modern Firearms are seen as some sort of pariah in the modding community of FO4, since when it was discovered it was during the whole Beth.net disaster, where users were ripping mods off Nexus and porting them to consoles without any considerations to the original mod makers. Although he wasn't using modders, but game studio developer's resources, he is frowned upon by most of the serious modders. None of the animators of texturers will want to be related with him(and I can't blame them), not just because he stole assets, but because the game studio could file a lawsuit against idlesheep and the other modders working on that mod.


That sums up the situation more or less.

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