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Instability with 1.4.27 build?


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Since the new update and SKSE I've had frequent CTD problems. :wallbash: My game was stable (except back with that...was it 1.1 update that screwed almost everyone) Luckily, I keep backups of everything.


So I reverted SKSE (from SKSE 1.4.13 to 1.4.12), TESV.exe and SkyrimLauncher.exe (from 1.4.27 to 1.4.21) and...no problems. Even with any new mods installed.


So my question is this: Does anyone know if the issue or CTD lies with SKSE, the latest Bethesda update or mod order, or any combination of the three? I'm currently running a handful of esp mods and a fair number of interface and texture mods. I'm leaning toward load order, so what can a non-programmer like myself do while I wait for BOSS or another manager program is updated and hope they can fix the mess?


Thanks for any words of wise and remember, back up those files!

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Dang, I thought I had automatic updates turned off but I got Steamed...and am having constant CTDs. As with AsaRuth, I was pretty stable before the latest update. Now the game is nearly unplayable. Oh well. Not sure whether to blame SKSE or TESV...wait, yes I am. Gee, which is the more likely culprit?
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So seeing as how I'm in complete agreement (Either SKSE or TESV is causing RIDICULOUS CTDs...) How do I revert Skyrim back to the last stable version with SKSE so that I can continue playing..? Sorry, I'm totally new with SKSE and reverting and unstable games etc D:
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It's that technical feat called making backups. :geek:


Or Windows System Restore? I have Rollback RX installed which is like System Restore except that you don't lose any important data. Rollback got me out of this mess but I see no reason why System Restore coudn't do the same if he doesn't have any backed-up saves.

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I had Steam auto update the game until yesterday when I heard there was a new Beta available, I had CTD's but then went and checked the SKSE website and they had created a new version which resolved memory leaks which caused CTD's.


Now, using the latest SKSE and the latest release of Skyrim I have never seen the game so stable, I have not had a single CTD despite many hours of play. I even went and upgraded the mods to Full versions instead of Lite and the game runs like a dream.

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