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Looking for a new MMO to go to.


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STO reliability (assuming that means server uptime) is decent, recently had to correct someone so the numbers are still handy, 31 day period from feb 1 to march 4 52 hours downtime, spread over 17 days. avg being 3 hours per incident,


end game...end game...end game >.> you can hit 50 fast in hours spent, at 50 there's not much, finishing episodes you hadn't yet, doing the featured episode released weekly (saturday), playing user created content, grinding stf's and elite stf's for gear/ebc's. and rare/prototype salvage. currently 3 each ground and space stf's, and finally PvP, oh or play dabo


one nice bonus since pwe's involvement is you don't have to spend cash, you can grind dilithium which can be sold for cryptic points


it's a game that still seems at times unfinished, combined with birthing pains from going f2p


Black Prophecy is another sci-fi space combat mmo you could look at while shopping around, haven't played it since cb, it had 1 thing i didn't like and don't know if it was changed

a 25 minute wait modding ship gear where you could do nothing else but chat while it was in progress, couldn't leave the game or it would cancel the mod...of course there was a cash shop item that shortened that time >.> seemed unnecessarily greedy to me. may have been changed or removed, obviously no one liked it

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Does STO get better once you're into it?

It gets a little better once you get into it. There isn't much on the trade and commerce side of things other than some duty officer assignments and player crafting stuffs though.


You can't base too much on the tutorial for most games. The enemies and situations are usually simplistic and without much threat at all so that people don't ragequit in the first 5 minutes. Part of that usually involves creating a situation where the player really cannot lose. Fortunately most of the game is not like that. Although there is no death penalty on normal difficulty, you can still fail missions or spend several minutes repeatedly dying if you enter a situation unprepared.


Ground combat still feels a little lacking to me, but gets reasonably more depth once you have special skills that you can use to kill enemy groups instead of just running in, and clicking a shoot button. The same is true for space combat, but is much more obvious. Give it until about middle Lt. Commander rank and you should get some idea of how things go, atleast until Admiral rank... where the game becomes even more dependent on skills and strategy.


Never noticed any reliability issues.

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You could also try DC Universe, but if you want it for the PvP, then you're out of luck. PvP is broken to the maximum in this game other then that the Raids, Duos, Missions etc. are really fun. Plus your character is highly customizable if you're into that sort of thing.
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I tried TOR today, I really like it, though I did have a rather nasty OOPS! moment a few hours in.


I was dueling another guy, and I was winning, he was on 2% health, and then an NPC spawned directly behind him and shot him, because it was outside of a duel, the duel ending when the NPC spawned, he died. :ohdear:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm looking for a new free-to-play MMO as well. I played WoW when I was younger but got bored of the constant repetitiveness of most of the quests while leveling--most quests are just "collect 10 of these" or "kill 15 of those". I had been waiting for like, seven years for SWTOR to come out (I am a RIDICULOUSLY huge fan of the KOTOR series) and pre-ordered my SWTOR copy months in advance--and I hate the game.


I feel like it's just world of warcraft in a different setting with some stories thrown on top--but all of the stories are complete ass. The graphics ruin the experience for me, too. One of the best parts of the KOTOR universe was how dark and "mature" the tone of the galaxy felt, especially when compared to the cheesey 1970ish themes of the original movies.


I'd rather watch Attack of the Clones than play SWTOR again. They butchered my favorite game series of all time and pretty much just tried to make it appeal to all of the 12 year old kids playing WoW instead of trying to expand people's horizons and get them to enjoy playing in a series filled with an incredible amount of depth and appeal.


That being said, I am looking for a new MMO to play. I prefer to solo my way through leveling but, as I said before, I hate the games that level like WoW does--where questing just feels totally repetitive. I also tend to appreciate fantasy settings way more than sci-fi settings.


Are there any MMORPGs out there that any of you experts might think I'd enjoy?


PS: Sorry to hijack the OP's thread. I just didn't want to waste forum space and make my own "recommend me an MMORPG" thread :P

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Try waiting for for Dust 514, its going to be epic, especially the eve connectivity in real time. Both games effect each other in real time.


here is the thread talking about he eve and Dust connectivity.



Edited by Thor.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking of trying out Fallen Earth. I've been waiting for it to go F2P, and I see it recently did. It seems to be post-apocalyptic, but that's about as far as my knowledge of it stretches. Might be worth checking out.


seeing this post was made over a month ago, you might have already tried the game. i thought it was interesting, a shooter MMO. but idk. not being a Hard Core MMO fan, it just didnt suck me in.

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