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Leveled Creatures Unpopular?

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I largely prefer leveled creatures to creatures placed as-is. This way you have much more diversity, yu can be sure the enemy will respawn and it's just got to tick a box so you're likely to meet every creature of the list in the highest levels.

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Use what you like, do what you like. - You're the modder, and the community will soon let it be known if they do not like the end product... Incidentally, there is also a levelled mod feature in Wrye Mash which you can use if you take a liking to levelled lists. - Wrye Mash will import all the levelled lists into it, resolve any conflicts, and the plugin will then, after you activate it, overwrite the levelled lists used by your mods with its own, all-in-one, list from those lists ...only without conflicts (all being well).

Edited by Treehuggery
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