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Basically, if you're TESV or SKSE is anything like mine... then your game is FREQUENTLY crashing to desktop... If I'm LUCKY I'll get 30 minutes of non-crashing gameplay. Standard? Crashing every 2 minutes, sometimes instantly after loading... I got to the point where I can't even return to whiterun to talk to the Jarl...


I fear as though something between SKSE, TESV, or maybe a bit of both, has rendered this version HIGHLY unstable.


The only mods I'm running are HD Textures and SkyUI through SKSE. That's it, that's all. I validated through Steam, nothing changes...


Can anyone tell me how to revert back to a previous version of skyrim so that I don't have to do a reinstall and lose all of my saves and progress..? Or does anyone have any suggestions as to how to solve my problems D:?



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Honestly I'm in the same boat as you bud my game even crashes at the main menu a lot as well sometimes not most times yes..i reinstalled the game installed one mod at a time which took hours and then i started the game using the regular launcher not skse and no crash...using the skse loader messed it up im guessing and i updated and everything..no skse for me for now..
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Personally I do not concur as I am not having this issue, but that doesn't mean other configurations don't have problems using the latest patch and SKSE.


The only thing you can try to isolate this issue is to unsubscribe to the High Res Texture Pack and remove SKSE and SkyUI completely and try again.


You may even have to completely uninstall Skyrim and start with a Vanilla install without any texture packs or plugins ;)

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Personally I do not concur as I am not having this issue, but that doesn't mean other configurations don't have problems using the latest patch and SKSE.


The only thing you can try to isolate this issue is to unsubscribe to the High Res Texture Pack and remove SKSE and SkyUI completely and try again.


You may even have to completely uninstall Skyrim and start with a Vanilla install without any texture packs or plugins ;)


I have asked this question already, and no one seems to want to answer me. I have Steam, and the update automatically hit my game. How do I unsubscribe from it when I have Steam?

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Personally I do not concur as I am not having this issue, but that doesn't mean other configurations don't have problems using the latest patch and SKSE.


The only thing you can try to isolate this issue is to unsubscribe to the High Res Texture Pack and remove SKSE and SkyUI completely and try again.


You may even have to completely uninstall Skyrim and start with a Vanilla install without any texture packs or plugins ;)


I have asked this question already, and no one seems to want to answer me. I have Steam, and the update automatically hit my game. How do I unsubscribe from it when I have Steam?


I'd also like to know the answer to this as to avoid future occurrences. Also, as I previously said, I don't really want to try a vanilla install and lose all my characters etc D: so NO ONE has any ideas for me ? :( </3 D':

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I am fairly sure it is a TESV bug. The same thing is happening to me now. I did a fresh install and it didnt fix the issue. This time i do not have skse or any skse mods installed. I am just stuck with the patches from steam even though it was told not to. Guess I'm stuck till they put out the next patch and hope that fixes it.
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well to remove the official high res texture pack that seams to automatically install itself if you reinstall skyrim and had it before just delete the bsa's that come with it and remove the lines in the skyrim.ini that are associated with them if you added them and any esp or esm..i forget if it came with any.
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I posted in another thread on this same issue. Yes it is a mess. I am running Steam offline for now as I do not trust patches at the moment since I CTD now constantly after never CTDing until now. Have spent hours on load orders, uninstalling and reinstalling mods, textures, etc. NO good. SKSE and without SKSE. I am tired I just want to play. Every patch makes hours of work in adjustments. This is a very intensive game to maintain. Yes I know it is because we like to mod it up that is why, but I hear that even un-modded installs are having issues with this.


Best to put Steam offline and then block it at your firewall because I don't trust that it doesn't keep offline. Next time there is a patch I am going to wait and see first. Which is what I wanted to do with this patch but my "do not automatically update" this game updated anyway. I do not trust Steam now to honor my wishes on my computer which I paid for and with a game I paid for as well.


I want to roll back to 1.4.21 but I backed up everything except the launcher.exe and well you can't revert without it. No no going back only forward. I will spend more time looking into everything to get it to work again.

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