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Slave Warrior Jessica added by unknown mod


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Hello eveyone :smile: !!! I recently started playing Morrowind thanks to a Dear Friend that gave it to me as a gift through Steam. I was wondering if anyone has any earthly idea if they might assist me in locating a mod adding Slave Warrior Jessica. I added MGSO and various fixes through other authors but didn't add any companion mods. I actually like the character so that isn't the issue. What is is I would like to assign her to a custom race so that I can make her truly unique. Up until now I haven't actually done any serious modding, just changed a few textures here and there. But now every Nord and Breton female uses the same texture I made for Jessica (Nord) and my Breton character. For the life of me I know of no way to actually locate this character. Any ideas on how to find her (Jessica) will be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Much Thanks and Take Care, Anoxeron

Edited by Anoxeron
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I'm not sure I understand your question or exactly what happened. It is easy to find the official Jessica mod. Just search Nexus, MW ModHistory, or a basic internet search for slavewarrior Jessica or look under the companion category for those sites.


If you want to find her in game, she is in Seyda Neen, as you are heading out of town. She is standing beside her male master and she is topless. At least if you have the original mod.


If you are trying to find which mod added her, you should post your list of mods.


I believe you could use the CS or TESPCD to examine the contents of each mod and look for something associated with her.


Sorry if that isn't helpful.


Good luck!

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Hi kvngreeley, thanks for the quick reply :) !!! Believe it or not I have no earthly idea how to post my modlist. I had installed Mod Manager but it wasn't correctly listing all of the .esps added by MGSO and was causing problems every time I loaded it. I am not running any companion mods. I downloaded Slave Warrior Jessica to check out the .esps structure and found that the added characters are listed as npc_corik and npc_Jessica. I'm pretty certain that Jessica was added by one of the later fixes for MGSO so You may have helped me at least narrow it down a bit. I am running Wrye Mash 84 but I'm not familiar enough with it to get my mod list. Truly Appreciate the assistance :yes: !!!!! Much Thanks and Take Care.

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If you are using MLOX for your load order you can copy and paste it from there. If not, you can always see your list of mods in your Morrowind.ini file, which is in your Morrowind folder. You can copy and paste from there. The list of mods is at the bottom.


I can't help with MGSO since I don't use it.

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Hello kvngreeley, Truly appreciated, MGSO included MLOX so I can get the load order from there, will post it asap. Thanks again :yes: !!!

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Hi Dragon32, I totally agree that MGSO shouldn't have anything to do with it. But I installed three or four fixes by various authors trying to correct a few issues but mainly the door and container problems. A couple of those had a lot of options but I don't think I installed any of them. Other than that the only thing that I've added was Abot's boats and Striders. I'll post the load order and maybe that will help solve this mystery. Truly appreciate the link, I'm no stranger to manipulating Oblivion, Fo3 and FNV but Morrowind is a whole new ball game. As such I need all the help I can get :laugh: !!! Truly appreciate the assistance and link, I'll check is at asap. Again, Thanks and Be Well :)

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Reading back through your post, it sounds like you were experimenting in the CS. Maybe you changed something by mistake and saved it. If that is the case, you might have to uninstall the game, reinstall, and start fresh. That should fix the problem and you can reinstall your mods.


I have had to do that once and will probably do it again after this next round of testing mods.

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