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Joan of Arc


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This is something that has always interested me Women Warriors of the medieval era. Joan of Arc isn’t the only one with deep conviction. Before her was Queen Boudicca, and ones that followed were Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth I, and Marie du Guise, and I’m just naming a few. The question is: was Joan a messenger of a “Higher Power” (I won’t say the “G” word). That drove her to save France from English invasion, OR, was it a case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. After seeing her village burnt, plundered, and her family, friends, raped and murdered. Causing a long term psychotic episode resulting in seeking vengeance on those that wronged her?
In my opinion, her heart was in the right place, and she was up for the task to save her King and country.
Unfortunately, her King sold her to England. They charged her with witchcraft, and a few other things; then burnt her at the stake.
As far as I know she is a Saint.
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All the famous historical characters were a bit psycho. Some more, some less. (and by judging by her story she was one among the "more") Some were evil, some less, Their actions can only be judged ermeneutically, from our historical interpretation.
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Check out the lives of the saints of almost all the world 'r' word. Most were quite warped. We would cross the street to avoid them, now. Might be contagious. Though... sometimes in history, past or future, someone who is off the wall is needed, just to give the campaign another shove. Great morale booster having a saint, alleged or otherwise, on ones side.
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